International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Some thoughts on Collision Attacks in the Hash Functions MD5, SHA-0 and SHA-1

Praveen Gauravaram
William Millan
Juanma Gonzalez Nieto
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Abstract: The design principle of Merkle-Damg{\aa}rd construction is collision resistance of the compression function implies collision resistance of the hash function. Recently multi-block collisions have been found on the hash functions MD5, SHA-0 and SHA-1 using differential cryptanalysis. These multi-block collisions raise several questions on some definitions and properties used in the hash function literature. In this report, we take a closer look at some of the literature in cryptographic hash functions and give our insights on them. We bring out some important differences between the 1989's Damg{\aa}rd's hash function and the hash functions that followed it. We conclude that these hash functions did not consider the pseudo-collision attack in their design criteria. We also doubt whether these hash functions achieve the design principle of Merkle-Damg{\aa}rd's construction. We formalise some definitions on the properties of hash functions in the literature.
  title={Some thoughts on Collision Attacks in the Hash Functions MD5, SHA-0 and SHA-1},
  booktitle={IACR Eprint archive},
  keywords={secret-key cryptography /},
  note={ 13086 received 30 Oct 2005, last revised 30 Oct 2005},
  author={Praveen Gauravaram and William Millan and Juanma Gonzalez Nieto},