International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


On the Tightness of Forward-Secure Signature Reductions

Michel Abdalla
Fabrice Benhamouda
David Pointcheval
DOI: 10.1007/s00145-018-9283-2
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Abstract: In this paper, we revisit the security of factoring-based signature schemes built via the Fiat–Shamir transform and show that they can admit tighter reductions to certain decisional complexity assumptions such as the quadratic-residuosity, the high-residuosity, and the ϕ ϕ -hiding assumptions. We do so by proving that the underlying identification schemes used in these schemes are a particular case of the lossy identification notion introduced by Abdalla et al. at Eurocrypt 2012. Next, we show how to extend these results to the forward-security setting based on ideas from the Itkis–Reyzin forward-secure signature scheme. Unlike the original Itkis–Reyzin scheme, our construction can be instantiated under different decisional complexity assumptions and has a much tighter security reduction. Moreover, we also show that the tighter security reductions provided by our proof methodology can result in concrete efficiency gains in practice, both in the standard and forward-security setting, as long as the use of stronger security assumptions is deemed acceptable. Finally, we investigate the design of forward-secure signature schemes whose security reductions are fully tight.
  title={On the Tightness of Forward-Secure Signature Reductions},
  journal={Journal of Cryptology},
  author={Michel Abdalla and Fabrice Benhamouda and David Pointcheval},