International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Linear-map Vector Commitments and their Practical Applications

Matteo Campanelli , Protocol Labs
Anca Nitulescu , Protocol Labs
Carla Rafols , Pompeu Fabra University
Alexandros Zacharakis , Pompeu Fabra University
Arantxa Zapico , Pompeu Fabra University
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Presentation: Slides
Conference: ASIACRYPT 2022
Abstract: Vector commitments (VC) are a cryptographic primitive that allow one to commit to a vector and then “open” some of its positions efficiently. Vector commitments are increasingly recognized as a central tool to scale highly decentralized networks of large size and whose content is dynamic. In this work, we examine the demands on the properties that an ideal vector commitment should satisfy in the light of the emerging plethora of practical applications and propose new constructions that improve the state-of-the-art in several dimensions and offer new tradeoffs. We also propose a unifying framework that captures several constructions and show how to generically achieve some properties from more basic ones.
Video from ASIACRYPT 2022
  title={Linear-map Vector Commitments and their Practical Applications},
  author={Matteo Campanelli and Anca Nitulescu and Carla Rafols and Alexandros Zacharakis and Arantxa Zapico},