International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Non-interactive Blind Signatures for Random Messages

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Lucjan Hanzlik , CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-30589-4_25 (login may be required)
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Presentation: Slides
Conference: EUROCRYPT 2023
Abstract: Blind signatures allow a signer to issue signatures on messages chosen by the signature recipient. The main property is that the recipient's message is hidden from the signer. There are many applications, including Chaum's e-coin system and Privacy Pass, where no special distribution of the signed message is required, and the message can be random. Interestingly, existing notions do not consider this practical use case separately. In this paper, we show that constraining the recipient's choice over the message distribution spawns a surprising new primitive that improves the well-established state-of-the-art. We formalize this concept by introducing the notion of non-interactive blind signatures (NIBS). Informally, the signer can create a presignature with a specific recipient in mind, identifiable via a public key. The recipient can use her secret key to finalize it and receive a blind signature on a random message. The key idea is that online interaction between the signer and recipient is unnecessary. We show an efficient instantiation of NIBS in the random oracle model from signatures on equivalence classes. The exciting part is that, in this case, for the recipient's public key, we can use preexisting keys for Schnorr, ECDSA signatures, El-Gamal encryption scheme or even the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Reusing preexisting public keys allows us to distribute anonymous tokens similarly to cryptocurrency airdropping. Additional contributions include the notion of tagged non-interactive blind signatures (TNIBS) and their efficient instantiation, and a generic construction based on verifiable random functions, standard signatures, and non-interactive proof systems.
  title={Non-interactive Blind Signatures for Random Messages},
  author={Lucjan Hanzlik},