International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Efficient Multiparty Private Simultaneous Messages for Symmetric Functions

Reo Eriguchi , National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Kazumasa Shinagawa , Ibaraki University/National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
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Conference: EUROCRYPT 2025
Abstract: A Private Simultaneous Messages (PSM) protocol is a secure multiparty computation protocol with a minimal interaction pattern, which allows input parties sharing common randomness to securely reveal the output of a function by sending messages only once to an external party. Since existing PSM protocols for arbitrary functions have exponentially large communication complexity in the number $n$ of parties, it is important to explore efficient protocols by focusing on special functions of practical use. In this paper, we study the communication efficiency of PSM protocols for symmetric functions, which provide many useful functionalities for real-world applications. We present a new $n$-party PSM protocol for symmetric functions with communication complexity $n^{2d/3+O(1)}$, where $d$ is the size of the input domain of each party. Our protocol improves the currently best known communication complexity of $n^{d+O(1)}$. As applications to other related models, we show that our novel protocol implies improved communication complexity of ad-hoc PSM, where only a subset of parties actually send messages, and also leads to a more communication-efficient robust PSM protocol, which is secure against collusion of the external party and input parties. The extension to ad-hoc PSM is not a straightforward application of the previous transformation but includes an optimization technique based on the symmetry of functions.
  title={Efficient Multiparty Private Simultaneous Messages for Symmetric Functions},
  author={Reo Eriguchi and Kazumasa Shinagawa},