International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Improving MPCitH with Preprocessing: Mask Is All You Need

Guowei Liu
Guoxiao Liu
Kaijie Jiang
Qingyuan Yu
Keting Jia
Puwen Wei
Meiqin Wang
DOI: 10.46586/tches.v2025.i2.1-22
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Abstract: The MPC-in-the-head with preprocessing (MPCitH-PP) paradigm presents a novel approach for constructing post-quantum digital signatures like Picnic3. This paper revisits the MPCitH-PP construction, analyzing both its offline and online phases and proposing a reformulation of the protocol. By identifying redundant computations in these phases, we optimize them into a single phase, thereby enhancing the efficiency of MPCitH-PP. Furthermore, we explore the independence of the mask, demonstrating that it can be calculated in parallel, which also enables the optimization of the masked witness calculation.Our optimized implementation of Picnic3 shows significant improvements. At the L1 security level, the optimal software implementation reduces MPCitH-PP calculation time to about 30% of the previous implementation. The optimal signature implementation costs about 78% of the previous implementation time. At the L5 security level, MPCitH-PP with parallelism optimal is reduced to about 26% of the previous solution’s time, and the optimal signature implementation runs at about 53% of the previous solution’s time. For the hardware implementation, our optimizations reduce the clock cycles of MPCitH-PP from r sequential rounds to a single parallel round, where r denotes the number of rounds in the LowMC algorithm, with little change in hardware usage, and perform better in AT product, especially for parallel computing.
  title={Improving MPCitH with Preprocessing: Mask Is All You Need},
  journal={IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems},
  publisher={Ruhr-Universität Bochum},
  author={Guowei Liu and Guoxiao Liu and Kaijie Jiang and Qingyuan Yu and Keting Jia and Puwen Wei and Meiqin Wang},