International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Invited talk: Key transparency: introduction, recent results, and open problems

Melissa Chase
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Presentation: Slides
Honor: Invited talk
Abstract: End-to-end encryption security guarantees crucially rely on the assumption that the user has the correct identity public key for the person they wish to communicate with. Traditionally, E2EE communication systems have required the user to perform cumbersome manual checks to verify these keys, e.g. by physically scanning QR codes, or by verbally reading a fingerprint. In practice, these verifications are rarely performed. Key transparency, first introduced in CONIKS, allows much of this verification to be automated. Roughly, the communication service provider regularly publishes a commitment to the identity key directory; this commitment must be publicly and consistently visible to all users. Every key request is accompanied by a proof that the key is correct w.r.t. the committed directory. Finally, the user’s device regularly monitors the committed directory to ensure that the user’s key is correctly reflected. This talk will present the motivation for key transparency and introduce the approach and intuition behind the constructions. It will then discuss some areas of active research and open problems.
  title={Invited talk: Key transparency: introduction, recent results, and open problems},
  note={Video at \url{}},
  howpublished={Talk given at RWC 2024},
  author={Melissa Chase},