International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Building the Next Generation of AEAD

Mihir Bellare
Shay Gueron
Viet Tung Hoang
Julia Len
Sanketh Menda
Thomas Ristenpart
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Presentation: Slides
Abstract: This talk will propose a new approach for building the next generation of AEAD. In the last few years, researchers and practitioners have discovered that widely deployed AEAD schemes, designed almost two decades ago, have many limitations. These range from uncomfortably small security margins to outright security vulnerabilities. We will discuss foundational theory and concrete designs for the next generation of AEAD schemes. Our designs better support real-world workloads while retaining performance.
  title={Building the Next Generation of AEAD},
  note={Video at \url{}},
  howpublished={Talk given at RWC 2024},
  author={Mihir Bellare and Shay Gueron and Viet Tung Hoang and Julia Len and Sanketh Menda and Thomas Ristenpart},