International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Ivy K. Y. Woo


Lattice-based Multi-Authority/Client Attribute-based Encryption for Circuits
<p>Multi-authority/input attribute-based encryption (MA-/MI-ABE) are multi-party extensions of ABE which enable flavours of decentralised cryptographic access control. This work aims to advance research on multi-party ABE and their lattice-based constructions in several directions:</p><p>- We introduce the notion of multi-client (MC-)ABE. This can be seen as an augmentation of MI-ABE with the addition of a ciphertext identity (CID) in the syntax, or a specialisation of multi-client functional encryption (MC-FE) to the ABE setting.</p><p>- We adapt the 2-input (2I-)ABE of Agrawal et al. (CRYPTO'22), which is heuristically secure yet without a security proof, into a 2-client (2C-)ABE, and prove it satisfies a variant of very-selective security under the learning with errors (LWE) assumption.</p><p>- We extend Wee's ciphertext-policy (CP-)ABE (EUROCRYPT'22) to the MA setting, yielding an MA-ABE. Furthermore, combining techniques in Boneh et al.'s key-policy ABE (EUROCRYPT'14) and our MA-ABE, we construct an MC-ABE. We prove that they satisfy variants of very-selective security under the evasive LWE, tensor LWE, and LWE assumptions.</p><p>All our constructions support policies expressed as arbitrary polynomial-size circuits, feature distributed key generation (for MA) and encryption (for 2C/MC), and are proven secure in the random oracle model. Although our constructions only achieve limited security against corrupt authorities/clients, the fully distributed key generation/encryption feature makes them nevertheless non-trivial and meaningful.</p><p>Prior to this work, existing MA-ABEs only support up to NC1 policies regardless of their security against corrupt authorities; existing MI-ABEs only support up to constant-many encryptors/clients and do not achieve any security against corrupt encryptors/clients; and MC-ABEs only existed in the form of MC-FEs for linear and quadratic functions. </p>
Traitor Tracing without Trusted Authority from Registered Functional Encryption
Traitor-tracing systems allow identifying the users who contributed to building a rogue decoder in a broadcast environment. In a traditional traitor-tracing system, a key authority is responsible for generating the global public parameters and issuing secret keys to users. All security is lost if the \emph{key authority itself} is corrupt. This raises the question: Can we construct a traitor-tracing scheme, without a trusted authority? In this work, we propose a new model for traitor-tracing systems where, instead of having a key authority, users could generate and register their own public keys. The public parameters are computed by aggregating all user public keys. Crucially, the aggregation process is \emph{public}, thus eliminating the need of any trusted authority. We present two new traitor-tracing systems in this model based on bilinear pairings. Our first scheme is proven adaptively secure in the generic group model. This scheme features a {\it transparent} setup, ciphertexts consisting of $6\sqrt{L}+4$ group elements, and a public tracing algorithm. Our second scheme supports a bounded collusion of traitors and is proven selectively secure in the standard model. Our main technical ingredients are new registered functional encryption (RFE) schemes for quadratic and linear functions which, prior to this work, were known only from indistinguishability obfuscation. To substantiate the practicality of our approach, we evaluate the performance a proof of concept implementation. For a group of $L = 1024$ users, encryption and decryption take roughly 50ms and 4ms, respectively, whereas a ciphertext is of size 6.7KB.
Evasive LWE Assumptions: Definitions, Classes, and Counterexamples
Chris Brzuska Akin Ünal Ivy K. Y. Woo
The evasive LWE assumption, proposed by Wee [Eurocrypt'22 Wee] for constructing a lattice-based optimal broadcast encryption, has shown to be a powerful assumption, adopted by subsequent works to construct advanced primitives ranging from ABE variants to obfuscation for null circuits. However, a closer look reveals significant differences among the precise assumption statements involved in different works, leading to the fundamental question of how these assumptions compare to each other. In this work, we initiate a more systematic study on evasive LWE assumptions: (i) Based on the standard LWE assumption, we construct simple counterexamples against three private-coin evasive LWE variants, used in [Crypto'22 Tsabary, Asiacrypt'22 VWW, Crypto'23 ARYY] respectively, showing that these assumptions are unlikely to hold. (ii) Based on existing evasive LWE variants and our counterexamples, we propose and define three classes of plausible evasive LWE assumptions, suitably capturing all existing variants for which we are not aware of non-obfuscation-based counterexamples. (iii) We show that under our assumption formulations, the security proofs of [Asiacrypt'22 VWW] and [Crypto'23 ARYY] can be recovered, and we reason why the security proof of [Crypto'22 Tsabary] is also plausibly repairable using an appropriate evasive LWE assumption.