International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Sourav Das


Adaptively Secure BLS Threshold Signatures from DDH and co-CDH
Sourav Das Ling Ren
Threshold signature is one of the most important cryptographic primitives in distributed systems. A popular choice of threshold signature scheme is the BLS threshold signature introduced by Boldyreva (PKC'03). Some attractive properties of Boldyreva's threshold signature are that the signatures are unique and short, the signing process is non-interactive, and the verification process is identical to that of non-threshold BLS. These properties have resulted in its practical adoption in several decentralized systems. However, despite its popularity and wide adoption, up until recently, the Boldyreva scheme has been proven secure only against a static adversary. Very recently, Bacho and Loss (CCS'22) presented the first proof of adaptive security for the Boldyreva scheme, but they have to rely on strong and non-standard assumptions such as the hardness of one-more discrete log (OMDL) and the Algebraic Group Model~(AGM). In this paper, we present the first adaptively secure threshold BLS signature scheme that relies on the hardness of DDH and co-CDH in asymmetric pairing groups in the Random Oracle Model~(ROM). Our signature scheme also has non-interactive signing, compatibility with non-threshold BLS verification, and practical efficiency like Boldyreva's scheme. These properties make our protocol a suitable candidate for practical adoption with the added benefit of provable adaptive security.
Distributed-Prover Interactive Proofs
Interactive proof systems enable a verifier with limited resources to decide an intractable language (or compute a hard function) by communicating with a powerful but untrusted prover. Such systems guarantee soundness: the prover can only convince the verifier of true statements. This is a central notion in computer science with far-reaching implications. One key drawback of the classical model is that the data on which the prover operates must be held by a single machine. In this work, we initiate the study of distributed-prover interactive proofs (dpIPs): an untrusted cluster of machines, acting as a distributed prover, interacts with a single verifier. The machines in the cluster jointly store and operate on a massive data-set that no single machine can store. The goal is for the machines in the cluster to convince the verifier of the validity of some statement about its data-set. We formalize the communication and space constraints via the massively parallel computation (MPC) model, a widely accepted analytical framework capturing the computational power of massive data-centers. Our main result is a compiler that generically augments any verification algorithm in the MPC model with a soundness guarantee. Concretely, for any language $L$ for which there is an MPC algorithm verifying whether $x{\in} L$, we design a new MPC protocol capable of convincing a verifier of the validity of $x\in L$ and where if $x\not\in L$, the verifier will reject almost surely reject, no matter what. The new protocol requires only slightly more rounds, i.e., a $\mathsf{poly}(\log N)$ blowup, and a slightly bigger memory per machine, i.e., $\mathsf{poly}(\lambda)$ blowup, where $N$ is the total size of the dataset and $\lambda$ is a security parameter independent of $N$. En route, we introduce distributed-prover interactive oracle proofs (dpIOPs), a natural adaptation of the (by now classical) IOP model to the distributed prover setting. We design a dpIOP for algorithms in the MPC model and then tranlate them to ``plain model'' dpIPs via an adaptation of existing polynomial commitment schemes into the distributed prover setting.