Rainer Steinwandt
On the Semidirect Discrete Logarithm Problem in Finite Groups
We present an efficient quantum algorithm for solving the semidirect discrete logarithm problem ($\SDLP$) in \emph{any} finite group. The believed hardness of the semidirect discrete logarithm problem underlies more than a decade of works constructing candidate post-quantum cryptographic algorithms from non-abelian groups. We use a series of reduction results to show that it suffices to consider $\SDLP$ in finite simple groups. We then apply the celebrated Classification of Finite Simple Groups to consider each family. The infinite families of finite simple groups admit, in a fairly general setting, linear algebraic attacks providing a reduction to the classical discrete logarithm problem. For the sporadic simple groups, we show that their inherent properties render them unsuitable for cryptographically hard $\SDLP$ instances, which we illustrate via a Baby-Step Giant-Step style attack against $\SDLP$ in the Monster Group.
Our quantum $\SDLP$ algorithm is fully constructive, up to the computation of maximal normal subgroups, for all but three remaining cases that appear to be gaps in the literature on constructive recognition of groups; for these cases $\SDLP$ is no harder than finding a linear representation. We conclude that $\SDLP$ is not a suitable post-quantum hardness assumption for any choice of finite group.
Extending Glitch-Free Multiparty Protocols to Resist Fault Injection Attacks
Side channel analysis and fault attacks are two powerful methods to analyze and break cryptographic implementations. At CHES 2011, Roche and Prouff applied secure multiparty computation to prevent side-channel attacks. While multiparty computation is known to be fault-resistant as well, the particular scheme used for side-channel protection does not currently offer this feature. This work introduces a new secure multiparty circuit to prevent both fault injection attacks and sidechannel analysis. The new scheme extends the Roche and Prouff scheme to make faults detectable. Arithmetic operations have been redesigned to propagate fault information until a new secrecy-preserving fault detection can be performed. A new recombination operation ensures randomization of the output in the case of a fault, ensuring that nothing can be learned from the faulty output. The security of the new scheme is proved in the ISW probing model, using the reformulated t-SNI security notion. Besides the new scheme and its security proof, we also present an extensive performance analysis, including a proof-of-concept, software-based AES implementation featuring the masking technique to resist both fault and side-channel attacks at the same time. The performance analysis for different security levels are given for the ARM-M0+ MCU with its memory requirements. A comprehensive leakage analysis shows that a careful implementation of the scheme achieves the expected security level.
Program Committees
- CHES 2025
- CHES 2023
- CHES 2022
- PKC 2020
- Asiacrypt 2017
- Asiacrypt 2016
- PKC 2015
- PKC 2012
- CHES 2009
- Eurocrypt 2009
- PKC 2008
- Crypto 2007
- Michel Abdalla (1)
- Feng Bao (1)
- Christopher Battarbee (1)
- Thomas Beth (1)
- Jens-Matthias Bohli (1)
- Giacomo Borin (1)
- Julian Brough (1)
- Ryann Cartor (1)
- Robert H. Deng (1)
- Thomas Eisenbarth (1)
- Abraham Fernandez-Rubio (1)
- Willi Geiselmann (6)
- Markus Grassl (2)
- Tobias Hemmert (1)
- Nadia Heninger (1)
- Dennis Hofheinz (1)
- Ivana Ilic (1)
- David Jao (1)
- Delaram Kahrobaei (1)
- Laura Maddison (1)
- Spyros S. Magliveras (1)
- Consuelo Martínez (1)
- Edoardo Persichetti (1)
- Angela Robinson (1)
- Claus-Peter Schnorr (1)
- Okan Seker (1)
- Adi Shamir (1)
- Daniel Smith-Tone (1)
- Rainer Steinwandt (13)
- Eran Tromer (1)
- Maria Isabel Gonzalez Vasco (2)
- Jorge Luis Villar (1)
- Hongjun Wu (1)