Non-Interactive Blind Signatures from RSA Assumption and More
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Conference: | EUROCRYPT 2025 |
Abstract: | Blind signatures have received increased attention from researchers and practitioners. They allow users to obtain a signature under a message without revealing it to the signer. One of the most popular applications of blind signatures is to use them as one-time tokens, where the issuing is not linkable to the redeeming phase, and the signature under a random identifier forms a valid token. This concept is the backbone of the Privacy Pass system, which uses it to identify honest but anonymous users and protect content delivery networks from botnets. Non-interactive blind signatures for random messages were introduced by Hanzlik (Eurocrypt'23). They allow a signer to create a pre-signature with respect to a particular public key, while the corresponding secret key can later be used to finalize the signature. This non-interaction allows for more applications than in the case of blind signatures. In particular, the author suggested using regular PKI keys as the recipient public key, allowing for a distribution of one-time tokens to users outside the system, e.g., to public keys of GitHub users, similar to airdropping of cryptocurrencies. Unfortunately, despite introducing this concept, the paper fails to provide schemes that work with keys used in the wild. We solve this open problem. We introduce a generic construction of non-interactive blind signatures that relies on Yao's garbled circuit techniques and provide particular improvements to this generic setting. We replace oblivious transfer with their non-interactive variant and show how to construct them so that the recipient's public key, encoding the OT choice, is a standard RSA public key (e,N). To improve the efficiency of the garbling, we show how to garble the signing algorithm of the pairing-based Pointcheval-Sanders (PS) signatures and the RSA-based signature scheme with efficient protocols by Camenisch and Lysyanskaya. Our technique also apply to the well-known BBS signatures. All our improvements are of independent interest and are central to our contribution. |
@inproceedings{eurocrypt-2025-35055, title={Non-Interactive Blind Signatures from RSA Assumption and More}, publisher={Springer-Verlag}, author={Lucjan Hanzlik and Eugenio Paracucchi and Riccardo Zanotto}, year=2025 }