Abhiram Kothapalli
HyperNova: Recursive arguments for customizable constraint systems
We introduce HyperNova, a new recursive argument for proving incremental computations whose steps are expressed with CCS (Setty et al. ePrint 2023/552), a customizable constraint system that simultaneously generalizes Plonkish, R1CS, and AIR without overheads. HyperNova makes four contributions, each resolving a major problem in the area of recursive arguments.
First, it provides a folding scheme for CCS where the prover’s cryptographic cost is a single multi-scalar multiplication (MSM) of size equal to the number of variables in the constraint system, which is optimal when using an MSM-based commitment scheme. The folding scheme can fold multiple instances at once, making it easier to build generalizations of IVC such as PCD. Second, when proving program executions on stateful machines (e.g., EVM, RISC-V), the cost of proving a step of a program is proportional only to the size of the circuit representing the instruction invoked by the program step (“a la carte” cost profile). Third, we show how to achieve zero-knowledge for “free” and without the need to employ zero-knowledge SNARKs. Fourth, we show how to efficiently instantiate HyperNova over a cycle of elliptic curves. For this, we provide a general technique, which we refer to as CycleFold, that applies to all modern folding-scheme-based recursive arguments.
Algebraic Reductions of Knowledge
We introduce reductions of knowledge, a generalization of arguments of knowledge, which reduce checking knowledge of a witness in one relation to checking knowledge of a witness in another (simpler) relation. Reductions of knowledge unify a growing class of modern techniques as well as provide a compositional framework to modularly reason about individual steps in complex arguments of knowledge. As a demonstration, we simplify and unify recursive arguments over linear algebraic statements by decomposing them as a sequence of reductions of knowledge. To do so, we develop the tensor reduction of knowledge, which generalizes the central reductive step common to many recursive arguments. Underlying the tensor reduction of knowledge is a new information-theoretic reduction, which, for any modules $U$, $U_1$, and $U_2$ such that $U \cong U_1 \otimes U_2$, reduces the task of evaluating a homomorphism in $U$ to evaluating a homomorphism in $U_1$ and evaluating a homomorphism in $U_2$.
Storing and Retrieving Secrets on a Blockchain
A secret sharing scheme enables one party to distribute shares of a secret to n parties and ensures that an adversary in control of t out of n parties will learn no information about the secret. However, traditional secret sharing schemes are often insufficient, especially for applications in which the set of parties who hold the secret shares might change over time. To achieve security in this setting, dynamic proactive secret sharing (DPSS) is used. DPSS schemes proactively update the secret shares held by the parties and allow changes to the set of parties holding the secrets. We propose FaB-DPSS (FAst Batched DPSS) -- a new and highly optimized batched DPSS scheme. While previous work on batched DPSS focuses on a single client submitting a batch of secrets and does not allow storing and releasing secrets independently, we allow multiple different clients to dynamically share and release secrets. FaB-DPSS is the most efficient robust DPSS scheme that supports the highest possible adversarial threshold of 1/2. We prove FaB-DPSS secure and implement it. All operations complete in seconds, and we outperform a prior state-of-the-art DPSS scheme by over 6 times.
Additionally, we propose new applications of DPSS in the context of blockchains. Specifically, we propose a protocol that uses blockchains and FaB-DPSS to provide conditional secret storage. The protocol allows parties to store secrets along with a release condition, and once a (possibly different) party satisfies this release condition, the secret is privately released to that party. This functionality is similar to extractable witness encryption. While there are numerous compelling applications (e.g., time-lock encryption, one-time programs, and fair multi-party computation) which rely on extractable witness encryption, there are no known efficient constructions (or even constructions based on any well-studied assumptions) of extractable witness encryption. However, by utilizing blockchains and FaB-DPSS, we can easily build all those applications. We provide an implementation of our conditional secret storage protocol as well as several applications building on top of it.
Nova: Recursive Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Folding Schemes
We introduce a new approach to realize incrementally verifiable computation (IVC), in which the prover recursively proves the correct execution of incremental computations of the form y=F^{(\ell)}(x), where F is a (potentially non-deterministic) computation, x is the input, y is the output, and \ell > 0. Unlike prior approaches to realize IVC, our approach avoids succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (SNARKs) entirely (and arguments of knowledge in general). Instead, we introduce and employ folding schemes, a weaker, simpler, and more efficiently-realizable primitive, which reduces the task of checking two instances in some relation to the task of checking a single instance. We construct a folding scheme for NP and show that it implies an IVC scheme with improved efficiency characteristics: (1) the "recursion overhead" (i.e., the number of steps that the prover proves in addition to proving the execution of F) is a constant and it is dominated by two group scalar multiplications expressed as a circuit (this is the smallest recursion overhead in the literature) and (2) the prover's work at each step is dominated by two multiexponentiations of size O(|F|), providing the fastest prover in the literature. The size of a proof is O(|F|) group elements, but we show that using a variant of an existing zkSNARK, the prover can prove the knowledge of a valid proof succinctly and in zero-knowledge with O(\log{|F|}) group elements. Finally, our approach neither requires a trusted setup nor FFTs, so it can be instantiated efficiently with any cycles of elliptic curves where DLOG is hard.
Program Committees
- Crypto 2025
- Vipul Goyal (1)
- Abhiram Kothapalli (4)
- Elisaweta Masserova (1)
- Bryan Parno (2)
- Srinath T. V. Setty (2)
- Yifan Song (1)
- Ioanna Tzialla (1)