Adam Smith
Reusable Fuzzy Extractors for Low-Entropy Distributions
Fuzzy extractors (Dodis et al., in Advances in cryptology—EUROCRYPT 2014, Springer, Berlin, 2014, pp 93–110) convert repeated noisy readings of a secret into the same uniformly distributed key. To eliminate noise, they require an initial enrollment phase that takes the first noisy reading of the secret and produces a nonsecret helper string to be used in subsequent readings. Reusable fuzzy extractors (Boyen, in Proceedings of the 11th ACM conference on computer and communications security, CCS, ACM, New York, 2004, pp 82–91) remain secure even when this initial enrollment phase is repeated multiple times with noisy versions of the same secret, producing multiple helper strings (for example, when a single person’s biometric is enrolled with multiple unrelated organizations). We construct the first reusable fuzzy extractor that makes no assumptions about how multiple readings of the source are correlated. The extractor works for binary strings with Hamming noise; it achieves computational security under the existence of digital lockers (Canetti and Dakdouk, in Advances in cryptology—EUROCRYPT 2008, Springer, Berlin, 2008, pp 489–508). It is simple and tolerates near-linear error rates. Our reusable extractor is secure for source distributions of linear min-entropy rate. The construction is also secure for sources with much lower entropy rates—lower than those supported by prior (nonreusable) constructions—assuming that the distribution has some additional structure, namely, that random subsequences of the source have sufficient minentropy. Structure beyond entropy is necessary to support distributions with low entropy rates. We then explore further how different structural properties of a noisy source can be used to construct fuzzy extractors when the error rates are high, building a computationally secure and an information-theoretically secure construction for large-alphabet sources.
Distributed Differential Privacy via Shuffling
We consider the problem of designing scalable, robust protocols for computing statistics about sensitive data. Specifically, we look at how best to design differentially private protocols in a distributed setting, where each user holds a private datum. The literature has mostly considered two models: the “central” model, in which a trusted server collects users’ data in the clear, which allows greater accuracy; and the “local” model, in which users individually randomize their data, and need not trust the server, but accuracy is limited. Attempts to achieve the accuracy of the central model without a trusted server have so far focused on variants of cryptographic multiparty computation (MPC), which limits scalability.In this paper, we initiate the analytic study of a shuffled model for distributed differentially private algorithms, which lies between the local and central models. This simple-to-implement model, a special case of the ESA framework of [5], augments the local model with an anonymous channel that randomly permutes a set of user-supplied messages. For sum queries, we show that this model provides the power of the central model while avoiding the need to trust a central server and the complexity of cryptographic secure function evaluation. More generally, we give evidence that the power of the shuffled model lies strictly between those of the central and local models: for a natural restriction of the model, we show that shuffled protocols for a widely studied selection problem require exponentially higher sample complexity than do central-model protocols.
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- Crypto 2005 Program committee
- Xavier Boyen (1)
- Ran Canetti (2)
- Shuchi Chawla (1)
- Albert Cheu (1)
- Claude Crépeau (1)
- Giovanni Di Crescenzo (1)
- Ivan Damgård (1)
- Yevgeniy Dodis (6)
- Cynthia Dwork (4)
- Benjamin Fuller (3)
- Craig Gentry (1)
- Daniel Gottesman (1)
- Vipul Goyal (1)
- Jens Groth (1)
- Sean Hallgren (1)
- Yuval Ishai (2)
- Shiva Kasiviswanathan (1)
- Jonathan Katz (6)
- Eike Kiltz (2)
- Mikkel Krøigaard (1)
- Mark Lewko (1)
- Moses Liskov (1)
- Anna Lysyanskaya (1)
- Frank McSherry (3)
- Silvio Micali (1)
- Payman Mohassel (1)
- Moni Naor (1)
- Jesper Buus Nielsen (1)
- Kobbi Nissim (3)
- Adam O'Neill (3)
- Rafail Ostrovsky (3)
- Omer Paneth (2)
- Chris Peikert (1)
- Sofya Raskhodnikova (1)
- Leonid Reyzin (6)
- Amit Sahai (2)
- Gil Segev (1)
- Ronen Shaltiel (1)
- Ji Sun Shin (1)
- Adam Smith (29)
- Fang Song (1)
- Luca Trevisan (1)
- Jonathan Ullman (1)
- Shabsi Walfish (1)
- Hoeteck Wee (1)
- David Zeber (1)
- Ye Zhang (1)
- Maxim Zhilyaev (1)