International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Stefan Mangard


On Loopy Belief Propagation for SASCAs
<p> Profiled power analysis is one of the most powerful forms of passive side-channel attacks. Over the last two decades, many works have analyzed their impact on cryptographic implementations as well as corresponding countermeasure techniques. To date, the most advanced variants of profiled power analysis are based on Soft-analytical Side-Channel Attacks (SASCA). After the initial profiling phase, a SASCA adversary creates a probabilistic graphical model, called a factor graph, of the target implementation and encodes the results of the previous step as prior information. Then, an inference algorithm such as loopy Belief Propagation (BP) can be used to recover the distribution of a target variable in the graph, i.e., sensitive data/keys.</p><p> Designers of cryptographic implementations aim to reduce information leakage as much as possible and assess how much leakage can be allowed without compromising security requirements. Despite the existence of many works on profiled power analysis, it is still notoriously difficult to state under which conditions a cryptographic implementation provides sufficient protection against a profiling attacker with certain capabilities. In particular, it is unknown when a BP-based attack is optimal or whether tuning some heuristics in that algorithm may significant strengthen the attack.</p><p> This knowledge gap led us to investigate the effectiveness of BP for SASCAs by studying the modes of failures of BP in the context of the SASCA, and systematically analyzing the behavior of BP on practically-relevant factor graphs. We use exact inference to gauge the quality of the approximation provided by BP. Through this assessment, we show that there exists a significant disparity between BP and exact inference in terms of guessing entropy when performing SASCAs on several classes of factor graphs. We further review and analyze various BP improvement heuristics from the literature. </p>
Compress: Generate Small and Fast Masked Pipelined Circuits
Masking is an effective countermeasure against side-channel attacks. It replaces every logic gate in a computation by a gadget that performs the operation over secret sharings of the circuit’s variables. When masking is implemented in hardware, care should be taken to protect against leakage from glitches, which could otherwise undermine the security of masking. This is generally done by adding registers, which stop the propagation of glitches, but introduce additional latency and area cost. In masked pipeline circuits, a high latency further increases the area overheads of masking, due to the need for additional registers that synchronize signals between pipeline stages. In this work, we propose a technique to minimize the number of such pipeline registers, which relies on optimizing the scheduling of the computations across the pipeline stages. We release an implementation of this technique as an open-source tool, Compress. Further, we introduce other optimizations to deduplicate logic between gadgets, perform an optimal selection of masked gadgets, and introduce new gadgets with smaller area. Overall, our optimizations lead to circuits that improve the state-of-the art in area and achieve state-of-the-art latency. For example, a masked AES based on an S-box generated by Compress reduces latency by 19% and area by 27% over a state-of-the-art implementation, or, for the same latency, reduces area by 45%.
Fault-Resistant Partitioning of Secure CPUs for System Co-Verification against Faults
Fault injection attacks are a serious threat to system security, enabling attackers to bypass protection mechanisms or access sensitive information. To evaluate the robustness of CPU-based systems against these attacks, it is essential to analyze the consequences of the fault propagation resulting from the complex interplay between the software and the processor. However, current formal methodologies combining hardware and software face scalability issues due to the monolithic approach used. To address this challenge, this work formalizes the k-fault-resistant partitioning notion to solve the fault propagation problem when assessing redundancy-based hardware countermeasures in a first step. Proven security guarantees can then reduce the remaining hardware attack surface when introducing the software in a second step. First, we validate our approach against previous work by reproducing known results on cryptographic circuits. In particular, we outperform state-of-the-art tools for evaluating AES under a three-fault-injection attack. Then, we apply our methodology to the OpenTitan secure element and formally prove the security of its CPU’s hardware countermeasure to single bit-flip injections. Besides that, we demonstrate that previously intractable problems, such as analyzing the robustness of OpenTitan running a secure boot process, can now be solved by a co-verification methodology that leverages a k-fault-resistant partitioning. We also report a potential exploitation of the register file vulnerability in two other software use cases. Finally, we provide a security fix for the register file, prove its robustness, and integrate it into the OpenTitan project.
Smooth Passage with the Guards: Second-Order Hardware Masking of the AES with Low Randomness and Low Latency
Cryptographic devices in hostile environments can be vulnerable to physical attacks such as power analysis. Masking is a popular countermeasure against such attacks, which works by splitting every sensitive variable into d+1 randomized shares. The implementation cost of the masking countermeasure in hardware increases significantly with the masking order d, and protecting designs often results in a large overhead. One of the main drivers of the cost is the required amount of fresh randomness for masking the non-linear parts of a cipher. In the case of AES, first-order designs have been built without the need for any fresh randomness, but state-of-the-art higher-order designs still require a significant number of random bits per encryption. Attempts to reduce the randomness however often result in a considerable latency overhead, which is not favorable in practice. This raises the need for AES designs offering a decent performance tradeoff, which are efficient both in terms of required randomness and latency.In this work, we present a second-order AES design with the minimal number of three shares, requiring only 3 200 random bits per encryption at a latency of 5 cycles per round. Our design represents a significant improvement compared to state-of-the-art designs that require more randomness and/or have a higher latency. The core of the design is an optimized 5-cycle AES S-box which needs 78 bits of fresh randomness. We use this S-box to construct a round-based AES design, for which we present a concept for sharing randomness across the S-boxes based on the changing of the guards (COTG) technique. We assess the security of our design in the probing model using a formal verification tool. Furthermore, we evaluate the practical side-channel resistance on an FPGA.
SYNFI: Pre-Silicon Fault Analysis of an Open-Source Secure Element
Fault attacks are active, physical attacks that an adversary can leverage to alter the control-flow of embedded devices to gain access to sensitive information or bypass protection mechanisms. Due to the severity of these attacks, manufacturers deploy hardware-based fault defenses into security-critical systems, such as secure elements. The development of these countermeasures is a challenging task due to the complex interplay of circuit components and because contemporary design automation tools tend to optimize inserted structures away, thereby defeating their purpose. Hence, it is critical that such countermeasures are rigorously verified post-synthesis. Since classical functional verification techniques fall short of assessing the effectiveness of countermeasures (due to the circuit being analyzed when no faults are present), developers have to resort to methods capable of injecting faults in a simulation testbench or into a physical chip sample. However, developing test sequences to inject faults in simulation is an error-prone task and performing fault attacks on a chip requires specialized equipment and is incredibly time-consuming. Moreover, identifying the fault-vulnerable circuit is hard in both approaches, and fixing potential design flaws post-silicon is usually infeasible since that would require another tape-out. To that end, this paper introduces SYNFI, a formal pre-silicon fault verification framework that operates on synthesized netlists. SYNFI can be used to analyze the general effect of faults on the input-output relationship in a circuit and its fault countermeasures, and thus enables hardware designers to assess and verify the effectiveness of embedded countermeasures in a systematic and semi-automatic way. The framework automatically extracts sensitive parts of the circuit, induces faults into the extracted subcircuit, and analyzes the faults’ effects using formal methods. To demonstrate that SYNFI is capable of handling unmodified, industry-grade netlists synthesized with commercial and open tools, we analyze OpenTitan, the first opensource secure element. In our analysis, we identified critical security weaknesses in the unprotected AES block, developed targeted countermeasures, reassessed their security, and contributed these countermeasures back to the OpenTitan project. For other fault-hardened IP, such as the life cycle controller, we used SYNFI to confirm that existing countermeasures provide adequate protection.
Riding the Waves Towards Generic Single-Cycle Masking in Hardware
Research on the design of masked cryptographic hardware circuits in the past has mostly focused on reducing area and randomness requirements. However, many embedded devices like smart cards and IoT nodes also need to meet certain performance criteria, which is why the latency of masked hardware circuits also represents an important metric for many practical applications.The root cause of latency in masked hardware circuits is the need for additional register stages that synchronize the propagation of shares. Otherwise, glitches would violate the basic assumptions of the used masking scheme. This issue can be addressed to some extent, e.g., by using lightweight cryptographic algorithms with low-degree Sboxes, however, many applications still require the usage of schemes with higher-degree S-boxes like AES. Several recent works have already proposed solutions that help reduce this latency yet they either come with noticeably increased area/randomness requirements, limitations on masking orders, or specific assumptions on the general architecture of the crypto core.In this work, we introduce a generic and efficient method for designing single-cycle glitch-resistant (higher-order) masked hardware of cryptographic S-boxes. We refer to this technique as (generic) Self-Synchronized Masking (“SESYM”). The main idea of our approach is to replace register stages with a partial dual-rail encoding of masked signals that ensures synchronization within the circuit. More concretely, we show that WDDL gates and Muller C-elements can be used in combination with standard masking schemes to design single-cycle S-box circuits that, especially in case of higher-degree S-boxes, have noticeably lower requirements in terms of area and online randomness. We apply our method to DOM-based S-boxes of Ascon and AES and compare the resulting circuits to existing latency optimized circuits based on TI, GLM, and LMDPL. The latency of all three designs is reduced to single-cycle operation and are dth-order secure. Compared to GLM-masked Ascon, our approach comes with a 6.4 times reduction in online randomness for all protection orders. Compared to 1st-order LMDPL-masked AES, our approach achieves comparable results, while it is more generic, amongst others, by also supporting higher-order designs. We also underline the practical protection of our constructions against power analysis attacks via empirical and formal verification approaches.
Secure and Efficient Software Masking on Superscalar Pipelined Processors 📺
Barbara Gigerl Robert Primas Stefan Mangard
Physical side-channel attacks like power analysis pose a serious threat to cryptographic devices in real-world applications. Consequently, devices implement algorithmic countermeasures like masking. In the past, works on the design and verification of masked software implementations have mostly focused on simple microprocessors that findusage on smart cards. However, many other applications such as in the automotive industry require side-channel protected cryptographic computations on much more powerful CPUs. In such situations, the security loss due to complex architectural side-effects, the corresponding performance degradation, as well as discussions of suitable probing models and verification techniques are still vastly unexplored research questions. We answer these questions and perform a comprehensive analysis of more complex processor architectures in the context of masking-related side effects. First, we analyze the RISC-V SweRV core — featuring a 9-stage pipeline, two execution units, and load/store buffers — and point out a significant gap between security in a simple software probing model and practical security on such CPUs. More concretely, we show that architectural side effects of complex CPU architectures can significantly reduce the protection order of masked software, both via formal analysis in the hardware probing model, as well as empirically via gate-level timing simulations. We then discuss the options of fixing these problems in hardware or leaving them as constraints to software. Based on these software constraints, we formulate general rules for the design of masked software on more complex CPUs. Finally, we compare several implementation strategies for masking schemes and present in a case study that designing secure masked software for complex CPUs is still possible with overhead as low as 13%.
Isap v2.0 📺
We specify Isap v2.0, a lightweight permutation-based authenticated encryption algorithm that is designed to ease protection against side-channel and fault attacks. This design is an improved version of the previously published Isap v1.0, and offers increased protection against implementation attacks as well as more efficient implementations. Isap v2.0 is a candidate in NIST’s LightWeight Cryptography (LWC) project, which aims to identify and standardize authenticated ciphers that are well-suited for applications in constrained environments. We provide a self-contained specification of the new Isap v2.0 mode and discuss its design rationale. We formally prove the security of the Isap v2.0 mode in the leakage-resilient setting. Finally, in an extensive implementation overview, we show that Isap v2.0 can be implemented securely with very low area requirements.
SIFA: Exploiting Ineffective Fault Inductions on Symmetric Cryptography
Since the seminal work of Boneh et al., the threat of fault attacks has been widely known and techniques for fault attacks and countermeasures have been studied extensively. The vast majority of the literature on fault attacks focuses on the ability of fault attacks to change an intermediate value to a faulty one, such as differential fault analysis (DFA), collision fault analysis, statistical fault attack (SFA), fault sensitivity analysis, or differential fault intensity analysis (DFIA). The other aspect of faults—that faults can be induced and do not change a value—has been researched far less. In case of symmetric ciphers, ineffective fault attacks (IFA) exploit this aspect. However, IFA relies on the ability of an attacker to reliably induce reproducible deterministic faults like stuck-at faults on parts of small values (e.g., one bit or byte), which is often considered to be impracticable.As a consequence, most countermeasures against fault attacks do not focus on such attacks, but on attacks exploiting changes of intermediate values and usually try to detect such a change (detection-based), or to destroy the exploitable information if a fault happens (infective countermeasures). Such countermeasures implicitly assume that the release of “fault-free” ciphertexts in the presence of a fault-inducing attacker does not reveal any exploitable information. In this work, we show that this assumption is not valid and we present novel fault attacks that work in the presence of detection-based and infective countermeasures. The attacks exploit the fact that intermediate values leading to “fault-free” ciphertexts show a non-uniform distribution, while they should be distributed uniformly. The presented attacks are entirely practical and are demonstrated to work for software implementations of AES and for a hardware co-processor. These practical attacks rely on fault induction by means of clock glitches and hence, are achieved using only low-cost equipment. This is feasible because our attack is very robust under noisy fault induction attempts and does not require the attacker to model or profile the exact fault effect. We target two types of countermeasures as examples: simple time redundancy with comparison and several infective countermeasures. However, our attacks can be applied to a wider range of countermeasures and are not restricted to these two countermeasures.
Statistical Ineffective Fault Attacks on Masked AES with Fault Countermeasures
Implementation attacks like side-channel and fault attacks are a threat to deployed devices especially if an attacker has physical access. As a consequence, devices like smart cards and IoT devices usually provide countermeasures against implementation attacks, such as masking against side-channel attacks and detection-based countermeasures like temporal or spacial redundancy against fault attacks. In this paper, we show how to attack implementations protected with both masking and detection-based fault countermeasures by using statistical ineffective fault attacks using a single fault induction per execution. Our attacks are largely unaffected by the deployed protection order of masking and the level of redundancy of the detection-based countermeasure. These observations show that the combination of masking plus error detection alone may not provide sufficient protection against implementation attacks.
ISAP - Towards Side-Channel Secure Authenticated Encryption
Side-channel attacks and in particular differential power analysis (DPA) attacks pose a serious threat to cryptographic implementations. One approach to counteract such attacks are cryptographic schemes based on fresh re-keying. In settings of pre-shared secret keys, such schemes render DPA attacks infeasible by deriving session keys and by ensuring that the attacker cannot collect side-channel leakage on the session key during cryptographic operations with different inputs. While these schemes can be applied to secure standard communication settings, current re-keying approaches are unable to provide protection in settings where the same input needs to be processed multiple times. In this work, we therefore adapt the re-keying approach and present a symmetric authenticated encryption scheme that is secure against DPA attacks and that does not have such a usage restriction. This means that our scheme fully complies with the requirements given in the CAESAR call and hence, can be used like other noncebased authenticated encryption schemes without loss of side-channel protection. Its resistance against side-channel analysis is highly relevant for several applications in practice, like bulk storage settings in general and the protection of FPGA bitfiles and firmware images in particular.
Single-Trace Side-Channel Attacks on Masked Lattice-Based Encryption
Robert Primas Peter Pessl Stefan Mangard
Although lattice-based cryptography has proven to be a particularly efficient approach to post-quantum cryptography, its security against side-channel attacks is still a very open topic. There already exist some first works that use masking to achieve DPA security. However, for public-key primitives SPA attacks that use just a single trace are also highly relevant. For lattice-based cryptography this implementation-security aspect is still unexplored.In this work, we present the first single-trace attack on lattice-based encryption. As only a single side-channel observation is needed for full key recovery, it can also be used to attack masked implementations. We use leakage coming from the Number Theoretic Transform, which is at the heart of almost all efficient lattice-based implementations. This means that our attack can be adapted to a large range of other lattice-based constructions and their respective implementations.Our attack consists of 3 main steps. First, we perform a template matching on all modular operations in the decryption process. Second, we efficiently combine all this side-channel information using belief propagation. And third, we perform a lattice-decoding to recover the private key. We show that the attack allows full key recovery not only in a generic noisy Hamming-weight setting, but also based on real traces measured on an ARM Cortex-M4F microcontroller.
Reconciling $d+1$ Masking in Hardware and Software
Hannes Gross Stefan Mangard
The continually growing number of security-related autonomous devices requires efficient mechanisms to counteract low-cost side-channel analysis (SCA) attacks. Masking provides high resistance against SCA at an adjustable level of security. A high level of SCA resistance, however, goes hand in hand with an increasing demand for fresh randomness which drastically increases the implementation costs. Since hardware based masking schemes have other security requirements than software masking schemes, the research in these two fields has been conducted quite independently over the last ten years. One important practical difference is that recently published software schemes achieve a lower randomness footprint than hardware masking schemes. In this work we combine existing software and hardware masking schemes into a unified masking algorithm. We demonstrate how to protect software and hardware implementations using the same masking algorithm, and for lower randomness costs than the separate schemes. Especially for hardware implementations the randomness costs can in some cases be halved over the state of the art. Theoretical considerations as well as practical implementation results are then used for a comparison with existing schemes from different perspectives and at different levels of security.


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