Benedikt Wagner
ORCID: 0000-0002-4620-7264
Foundations of Data Availability Sampling
<p>Towards building more scalable blockchains, an approach known as data availability sampling (DAS) has emerged over the past few years. Even large blockchains like Ethereum are planning to eventually deploy DAS to improve their scalability. In a nutshell, DAS allows the participants of a network to ensure the full availability of some data without any one participant downloading it entirely. Despite the significant practical interest that DAS has received, there are currently no formal definitions for this primitive, no security notions, and no security proofs for any candidate constructions. For a cryptographic primitive that may end up being widely deployed in large real-world systems, this is a rather unsatisfactory state of affairs.</p><p>In this work, we initiate a cryptographic study of data availability sampling. To this end, we define data availability sampling precisely as a clean cryptographic primitive. Then, we show how data availability sampling relates to erasure codes. We do so by defining a new type of commitment schemes which naturally generalizes vector commitments and polynomial commitments. Using our framework, we analyze existing constructions and prove them secure. In addition, we give new constructions which are based on weaker assumptions, computationally more efficient, and do not rely on a trusted setup, at the cost of slightly larger communication complexity. Finally, we evaluate the trade-offs of the different constructions. </p>
Twinkle: Threshold Signatures from DDH with Full Adaptive Security
Sparkle is the first threshold signature scheme in the pairing-free discrete logarithm setting (Crites, Komlo, Maller, Crypto 2023) to be proven secure under adaptive corruptions.
However, without using the algebraic group model, Sparkle's proof imposes an undesirable restriction on the adversary.
Namely, for a signing threshold t<n, the adversary is restricted to corrupt at most t/2 parties.
In addition, Sparkle's proof relies on a strong one-more assumption.
In this work, we propose Twinkle, a new threshold signature scheme in the pairing-free setting which overcomes these limitations.
Twinkle is the first pairing-free scheme to have a security proof under up to t adaptive corruptions without relying on the algebraic group model.
It is also the first such scheme with a security proof under adaptive corruptions from a well-studied non-interactive assumption, namely, the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH)
We achieve our result in two steps.
First, we design a generic scheme based on a linear function that satisfies several abstract properties and prove its adaptive security under a suitable one-more assumption related to this function.
In the context of this proof, we also identify a gap in the security proof of Sparkle and develop new techniques to overcome this issue.
Second, we give a suitable instantiation of the function for which the corresponding one-more assumption follows from DDH.
Toothpicks: More Efficient Fork-Free Two-Round Multi-Signatures
Tightly secure cryptographic schemes can be implemented with standardized parameters, while still having a sufficiently high security level backed up by their analysis.
In a recent work, Pan and Wagner (Eurocrypt 2023) presented the first tightly secure two-round multi-signature scheme without pairings, called Chopsticks.
While this is an interesting first theoretical step, Chopsticks is much less efficient than its non-tight counterparts.
In this work, we close this gap by proposing a new tightly secure two-round multi-signature scheme that is as efficient as non-tight schemes.
Our scheme is based on the DDH assumption without pairings.
Compared to Chopsticks, we reduce the signature size by more than a factor of 3 and the communication complexity by more than a factor of 2.
Technically, we achieve this as follows: (1) We develop a new pseudorandom path technique, as opposed to the pseudorandom matching technique in Chopsticks. (2) We construct a more efficient commitment scheme with suitable properties, which is an important primitive in both our scheme and Chopsticks.
Surprisingly, we observe that the commitment scheme does not have to be binding, enabling our efficient construction.
A Holistic Security Analysis of Monero Transactions
Monero is a popular cryptocurrency with strong privacy guarantees for users' transactions.
At the heart of Monero's privacy claims lies a complex transaction system called RingCT, which combines several building blocks such as linkable ring signatures, homomorphic commitments, and range proofs, in a unique fashion.
In this work, we provide the first rigorous security analysis for RingCT (as given in Zero to Monero, v2.0.0, 2020) in its entirety.
This is in contrast to prior works that only provided security arguments for parts of RingCT.
To analyze Monero's transaction system, we introduce the first holistic security model for RingCT.
We then prove the security of RingCT in our model.
Our framework is modular: it allows to view RingCT as a combination of various different sub-protocols.
Our modular approach has the benefit that these components can be easily updated in future versions of RingCT, with only minor modifications to our analysis.
At a technical level, we split our analysis in two parts.
First, we identify which security notions for building blocks are needed to imply security for the whole system.
Interestingly, we observe that existing and well-established notions (e.g., for the linkable ring signature) are insufficient.
Second, we analyze all building blocks as implemented in Monero and prove that they satisfy our new notions.
Here, we leverage the algebraic group model to overcome subtle problems in the analysis of the linkable ring signature component.
As another technical highlight, we show that our security goals can be mapped to a suitable graph problem, which allows us to take advantage of the theory of network flows in our analysis. This new approach is also useful for proving security of other cryptocurrencies.
FRIDA: Data Availability Sampling from FRI
As blockchains like Ethereum continue to grow, clients with limited resources can no longer store the entire chain.
Light nodes that want to use the blockchain, without verifying that it is in a good state overall, can just download the block headers without the corresponding block contents.
As those light nodes may eventually need some of the block contents, they would like to ensure that they are in principle available.
Data availability sampling, introduced by Bassam et al., is a process that allows light nodes to check the availability of data without download it.
In a recent effort, Hall-Andersen, Simkin, and Wagner have introduced formal definitions and analyzed several constructions.
While their work thoroughly lays the formal foundations for data availability sampling, the constructions are either prohibitively expensive, use a trusted setup, or have a download complexity for light clients scales with a square root of the data size.
In this work, we make a significant step forward by proposing an efficient data availability sampling scheme without a trusted setup and only polylogarithmic overhead.
To this end, we find a novel connection with interactive oracle proofs of proximity (IOPPs).
Specifically, we prove that any IOPP meeting an additional consistency criterion can be turned into an erasure code commitment, and then, leveraging a compiler due to Hall-Andersen, Simkin, and Wagner, into a data availability sampling scheme.
This new connection enables data availability to benefit from future results on IOPPs.
We then show that the widely used FRI IOPP satisfies our consistency criterion and demonstrate that the resulting data availability sampling scheme outperforms the state-of-the-art asymptotically and concretely in multiple parameters.
Tightly Secure Non-Interactive BLS Multi-Signatures
Due to their simplicity, compactness, and algebraic structure, BLS signatures are among the most widely used signatures in practice.
For example, used as multi-signatures, they are integral in Ethereum's proof-of-stake consensus.
From the perspective of concrete security, however, BLS (multi-)signatures suffer from a security loss linear in the number of signing queries. It is well-known that this loss can not be avoided using current proof techniques.
In this paper, we introduce a new variant of BLS multi-signatures that achieves tight security while remaining fully compatible with regular BLS. In particular, our signatures can be seamlessly combined with regular BLS signatures, resulting in regular BLS signatures.
Moreover, it can easily be implemented using existing BLS implementations in a black-box way.
Our scheme is also one of the most efficient non-interactive multi-signatures, and in particular more efficient than previous tightly secure schemes.
We demonstrate the practical applicability of our scheme by showing how proof-of-stake protocols that currently use BLS can adopt our variant for fully compatible opt-in tight security.
Jackpot: Non-Interactive Aggregatable Lotteries
In proof-of-stake blockchains, liveness is ensured by repeatedly selecting random groups of parties as leaders, who are then in charge of proposing new blocks and driving consensus forward.
The lotteries that elect those leaders need to ensure that adversarial parties are not elected disproportionately often and that an adversary can not tell who was elected before those parties decide to speak, as this would potentially allow for denial-of-service attacks.
Whenever an elected party speaks, it needs to provide a winning lottery ticket, which proves that the party did indeed win the lottery.
Current solutions require all published winning tickets to be stored individually on-chain, which introduces undesirable storage overheads.
In this work, we introduce non-interactive aggregatable lotteries and show how these can be constructed efficiently.
Our lotteries provide the same security guarantees as previous lottery constructions, but additionally allow any third party to take a set of published winning tickets and aggregate them into one short digest.
We provide a formal model of our new primitive in the universal composability framework.
As one of our technical contributions, which may be of independent interest, we introduce aggregatable vector commitments with simulation-extractability and present a concretely efficient construction thereof in the algebraic group model in the presence of a random oracle.
We show how these commitments can be used to construct non-interactive aggregatable lotteries.
We have implemented our construction, called Jackpot, and provide benchmarks that underline its concrete efficiency.
Practical Blind Signatures in Pairing-Free Groups
Blind signatures have garnered significant attention in recent years, with several efficient constructions in the random oracle model relying on well-understood assumptions. However, this progress does not apply to pairing-free cyclic groups: fully secure constructions over cyclic groups rely on pairings, remain inefficient, or depend on the algebraic group model or strong interactive assumptions. To address this gap, Chairattana-Apirom, Tessaro, and Zhu (CTZ, Crypto 2024) proposed a new scheme based on the CDH assumption. Unfortunately, their construction results in large signatures and high communication complexity.
In this work, we propose a new blind signature construction in the random oracle model that significantly improves upon the CTZ scheme. Compared to CTZ, our scheme reduces communication complexity by a factor of more than 10 and decreases the signature size by a factor of more than 45, achieving a compact signature size of only 224~Bytes. The security of our scheme is based on the DDH assumption over pairing-free cyclic groups, and we show how to generalize it to the partially blind setting.
HARTS: High-Threshold, Adaptively Secure, and Robust Threshold Schnorr Signatures
Threshold variants of the Schnorr signature scheme have recently been at the center of attention due to their applications to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.
However, existing constructions for threshold Schnorr signatures among a set of n parties with corruption threshold t_c suffer from at least one of the following drawbacks: (i) security only against static (i.e., non-adaptive) adversaries, (ii) cubic or higher communication cost to generate a single signature, (iii) strong synchrony assumptions on the network, or (iv) t_c+1 are sufficient to generate a signature, i.e., the corruption threshold of the scheme equals its reconstruction threshold. Especially (iv) turns out to be a severe limitation for many asynchronous real-world applications where t_c < n/3 is necessary to maintain liveness, but a higher signing threshold of n-t_c is needed. A recent scheme, ROAST, proposed by Ruffing et al. (ACM CCS `22) addresses (iii) and (iv), but still falls short of obtaining subcubic complexity and adaptive security.
In this work, we present HARTS, the first threshold Schnorr signature scheme to incorporate all these desiderata. More concretely:
- HARTS is adaptively secure and remains fully secure and operational even under asynchronous network conditions in the presence of up to t_c < n/3 malicious parties. This is optimal.
- HARTS outputs a Schnorr signature of size lambda with a near-optimal amortized communication cost of O(lambda n^2 log n) bits and a single online round per signature.
- HARTS is a high-threshold scheme: no fewer than t_r+1 signature shares can be combined to yield a full signature, where any t_r in [t_c,n-t_c) is supported. This especially covers the case t_r >= 2n/3 > 2t_c. This is optimal.
We prove our result in a modular fashion in the algebraic group model. At the core of our construction, we design a new simple and adaptively secure high-threshold AVSS scheme which may be of independent interest.
Rai-Choo! Evolving Blind Signatures to the Next Level
Blind signatures are a fundamental tool for privacy-preserving applications.
Known constructions of concurrently secure blind signature schemes either are prohibitively inefficient or rely on non-standard assumptions, even in the random oracle model.
A recent line of work (ASIACRYPT `21, CRYPTO `22) initiated the study of concretely efficient schemes based on well-understood assumptions in the random oracle model.
However, these schemes still have several major drawbacks:
1) The signer is required to keep state; 2) The computation grows linearly with the number of signing interactions, making the schemes impractical; 3) The schemes require at least five moves of interaction.
In this paper, we introduce a blind signature scheme that eliminates {all} of the above drawbacks at the same time.
Namely, we show a round-optimal, concretely efficient, fully secure, and stateless blind signature scheme in which communication and computation are independent of the number of signing interactions. Our construction also naturally generalizes to the partially blind signature setting.
Our scheme is based on the CDH assumption in the asymmetric pairing setting and can be instantiated using a standard BLS curve. We obtain signature and communication sizes of 9KB and 36KB, respectively.
To further improve the efficiency of our scheme, we show how to obtain a scheme with better amortized communication efficiency. Our approach {batches} the issuing of signatures for multiple messages.
Chopsticks: Fork-Free Two-Round Multi-Signatures from Non-Interactive Assumptions
Multi-signatures have been drawing lots of attention in recent years, due to their applications in cryptocurrencies.
Most early constructions require three-round signing, and recent constructions have managed to reduce the round complexity to two. However, their security proofs are mostly based on non-standard, interactive assumptions (e.g. one-more assumptions) and come with a huge security loss, due to multiple uses of rewinding (aka the Forking Lemma).
This renders the quantitative guarantees given by the security proof useless.
In this work, we improve the state of the art by proposing two efficient two-round multi-signature schemes from the (standard, non-interactive) Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption.
Both schemes are proven secure in the random oracle model without rewinding.
We do not require any pairing either.
Our first scheme supports key aggregation but has a security loss linear in the number of signing queries, and our second scheme is the {first} tightly secure construction.
A key ingredient in our constructions is a new kind of homomorphic dual-mode commitment scheme for group elements, that allows to equivocate for messages of a certain structure.
The definition and efficient construction of this commitment scheme is of independent interest.
It is the first such commitment scheme for group elements from the plain DDH assumption without pairings.
Lattice-based Authenticated Key Exchange with Tight Security
We construct the first tightly secure authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocol from lattices. Known tight constructions are all based on Diffie-Hellman-like assumptions. Thus, our protocol is the first construction with tight security from a post-quantum assumption.
Our AKE protocol is constructed tightly from a new security notion for key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs), called one-way security against checkable chosen-ciphertext attacks (OW-ChCCA).
We show how an OW-ChCCA secure KEM can be tightly constructed based on the Learning With Errors assumption, leading to the desired AKE protocol.
To show the usefulness of OW-ChCCA security beyond AKE, we use it to construct the first tightly bilateral selective-opening (BiSO) secure PKE. BiSO security is a stronger selective-opening notion proposed by Lai et al. (ASIACRYPT 2021).
Tighter Security for Generic Authenticated Key Exchange in the QROM
We give a tighter security proof for authenticated key exchange (AKE) protocols that are generically constructed from key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) in the quantum random oracle model (QROM). Previous works (Hövelmanns et al., PKC 2020) gave reductions for such a KEM-based AKE protocol in the QROM to the underlying primitives with square-root loss and a security loss in the number of users and total sessions. Our proof is much tighter and does not have square-root loss. Namely, it only loses a factor depending on the number of users, not on the number of sessions.
Our main enabler is a new variant of lossy encryption which we call parameter lossy encryption. In this variant, there are not only lossy public keys, but also lossy system parameters. This allows us to embed a computational assumption into the system parameters, and the lossy public keys are statistically close to the normal public keys. Combining with the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation, we obtain the first tightly IND-CCA secure KEM in the QROM in a multi-user (without corruption), multi-challenge setting.
Finally, we show that a multi-user, multi-challenge KEM implies a square-root-tight and session-tight AKE protocol in the QROM. By implementing the parameter lossy encryption tightly from lattices, we obtain the first square-root-tight and session-tight AKE from lattices in the QROM.
Lattice-based Signatures with Tight Adaptive Corruptions and More
We construct the first tightly secure signature schemes in the multi-user setting with adaptive corruptions from lattices. In stark contrast to the previous tight constructions whose security is solely based on number-theoretic assumptions, our schemes are based on the Learning with Errors (LWE) assumption which is supposed to be post-quantum secure. The security of our scheme is independent of the numbers of users and signing queries, and it is in the non-programmable random oracle model. Our LWE-based scheme is compact, namely, its signatures contain only a constant number of lattice vectors.
At the core of our construction are a new abstraction of the existing lossy identification (ID) schemes using dual-mode commitment schemes and a refinement of the framework by Diemert et al. (PKC 2021) which transforms a lossy ID scheme to a signature using sequential OR proofs. In combination, we obtain a tight generic construction of signatures from dual-mode commitments in the multi-user setting. Improving the work of Diemert et al., our new approach can be instantiated using not only the LWE assumption, but also an isogeny-based assumption. We stress that our LWE-based lossy ID scheme in the intermediate step uses a conceptually different idea than the previous lattice-based ones.
Of independent interest, we formally rule out the possibility that the aforementioned ``ID-to-Signature'' methodology can work tightly using parallel OR proofs. In addition to the results of Fischlin et al. (EUROCRYPT 2020), our impossibility result shows a qualitative difference between both forms of OR proofs in terms of tightness.
PI-Cut-Choo and Friends: Compact Blind Signatures via Parallel Instance Cut-and-Choose and More
Blind signature schemes are one of the best-studied tools for privacy-preserving authentication. Unfortunately, known constructions of provably secure blind signatures either rely on non-standard hardness assumptions, or require parameters that grow linearly with the number of concurrently issued signatures, or involve prohibitively inefficient general techniques such as general secure two-party computation.
Recently, Katz, Loss and Rosenberg (ASIACRYPT'21) gave a technique that, for the security parameter n, transforms blind signature schemes secure for O(log n) concurrent executions of the blind signing protocol into ones that are secure for any poly(n) concurrent executions.
This transform has two drawbacks that we eliminate in this paper: 1) the communication complexity of the resulting blind signing protocol grows linearly with the number of signing interactions; 2) the resulting schemes inherit a very loose security bound from the underlying scheme and, as a result, require impractical parameter sizes.
In this work, we give an improved transform for obtaining a secure blind signing protocol tolerating any poly(n) concurrent executions from one that is secure for O(log n) concurrent executions.
While preserving the advantages of the original transform, the communication complexity of our new transform only grows logarithmically with the number of interactions.
Under the CDH and RSA assumptions, we improve on this generic transform in terms of concrete efficiency and give (1) a BLS-based blind signature scheme over a standard-sized group where signatures are of size roughly 3 KB and communication per signature is roughly 120 KB; and (2) an Okamoto-Guillou-Quisquater-based blind signature scheme with signatures and communication of roughly 9 KB and 8 KB, respectively.
Program Committees
- PKC 2025
- Renas Bacho (3)
- Rutchathon Chairattana-Apirom (1)
- Cas Cremers (1)
- Nils Fleischhacker (1)
- Mathias Hall-Andersen (3)
- Lucjan Hanzlik (2)
- Michael Klooß (1)
- Julian Loss (5)
- Anna Lysyanskaya (1)
- Jiaxin Pan (5)
- Michael Reichle (1)
- Mark Simkin (3)
- Gilad Stern (1)
- Stefano Tessaro (1)
- Benedikt Wagner (15)
- Runzhi Zeng (2)
- Chenzhi Zhu (1)