International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Duong Hieu Phan


Zero-Knowledge Proofs of Quantumness
<p> With the rapid development of quantum computers, proofs of quantumness have recently become an interesting and intriguing research direction. However, in all current schemes for proofs of quantumness, quantum provers almost invariably face the risk of being maliciously exploited by classical verifiers. In fact, through malicious strategies in interaction with quantum provers, classical verifiers could solve some instances of hard problems that arise from the specific scheme in use. In other words, malicious verifiers can break some schemes (that quantum provers are not aware of) through interaction with quantum provers. All this is due to the lack of formalization that prevents malicious verifiers from extracting useful information in proofs of quantumness.</p><p>To address this issue, we formalize zero-knowledge proofs of quantumness. Intuitively, the zero-knowledge property necessitates that the information gained by the classical verifier from interactions with the quantum prover should not surpass what can be simulated using a simulated classical prover interacting with the same verifier. As a result, the new zero-knowledge notion can prevent any malicious verifier from exploiting quantum advantage. Interestingly, we find that the classical zero-knowledge proof is sufficient to compile some existing proofs of quantumness schemes into zero-knowledge proofs of quantumness schemes.</p><p>Due to some technical reason, it appears to be more general to require zero-knowledge proof on the verifier side instead of the prover side. Intuitively, this helps to regulate the verifier's behavior from malicious to be honest-but-curious. As a result, both parties will play not only one role in the proofs of quantumness but also the dual role in the classical zero-knowledge proof.</p><p>Specifically, the two principle proofs of quantumness schemes: Shor's factoring-based scheme and learning with errors-based scheme in [Brakerski et al, FOCS, 2018], can be transformed into zero-knowledge proofs of quantumness by requiring an extractable non-interactive zero-knowledge argument on the verifier side. Notably, the zero-knowledge proofs of quantumness can be viewed as an enhanced security notion for proofs of quantumness. To prevent malicious verifiers from exploiting the quantum device's capabilities or knowledge, it is advisable to transition existing proofs of quantumness schemes to this framework whenever feasible. </p>
Fully Dynamic Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits from Codes
Attribute-Based Signature (ABS), introduced by Maji et al. (CT-RSA'11), is an advanced privacy-preserving signature primitive that has gained a lot of attention. Research on ABS can be categorized into three main themes: expanding the expressiveness of signing policies, enabling new functionalities, and providing more diversity in terms of computational assumptions. We contribute to the development of ABS in all three dimensions, by providing a fully dynamic ABS scheme for arbitrary circuits from codes. The scheme is the first ABS from code-based assumptions and also the first ABS system offering the \texttt{full dynamicity} functionality (i.e., attributes can be enrolled and revoked simultaneously). Moreover, the scheme features much shorter signature size than a lattice-based counterpart proposed by El Kaafarani and Katsumata (PKC'18). In the construction process, we put forward a new theoretical abstraction of Stern-like zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols, which are the major tools for privacy-preserving cryptography from codes. Our main insight here actually lies in the questions we ask about the fundamental principles of Stern-like protocols that have remained unchallenged since their conception by Stern at CRYPTO'93. We demonstrate that these long-established principles are not essential, and then provide a refined framework generalizing existing Stern-like techniques and enabling enhanced constructions.
Public-Key Anamorphism in (CCA-secure) Public-Key Encryption and Beyond
Giuseppe Persiano Duong Hieu Phan Moti Yung
The notion of (Receiver-) Anamorphic Encryption was put forth recently to show that a dictator (i.e., an overreaching government), which demands to get the receiver’s private key and even dictates messages to the sender, cannot prevent the receiver from getting an additional covert anamorphic message from a sender. The model required an initial private collaboration to share some secret. There may be settings though where an initial collaboration may be impossible or performance-wise prohibitive, or cases when we need an immediate message to be sent without private key generation (e.g., by any casual sender in need). This situation, to date, somewhat limits the applicability of anamorphic encryption. To overcome this, in this work, we put forth the new notion of “public-key anamorphic encryption,” where, without any initialization, any sender that has not coordinated in any shape or form with the receiver, can nevertheless, under the dictator control of the receiver’s private key, send the receiver an additional anamorphic secret message hidden from the dictator. We define the new notion with its unique new properties, and then prove that, quite interestingly, the known CCA-secure Koppula-Waters (KW) system is, in fact, public-key anamorphic. We then describe how a public-key anamorphic scheme can support a new hybrid anamorphic encapsulation mode (KDEM) where the public anamorphic part serves a bootstrapping mechanism to activate regular anamorphic messages in the same ciphertext, thus together increasing the anamorphic channel capacity. Looking at the state of research thus far, we observe that the initial system (Eurocrypt’22) that was shown to have regular anamorphic properties is the CCA-secure Naor-Yung (and other related schemes). Here we identify that the KW CCA-secure scheme also provides a new type of anamorphism. Thus, this situation is hinting that there may be a connection between some types of CCA-secure schemes and some type of anamorphic schemes (in spite of the fact that the goals of the two primitives are fundamentally different); this question is foundational in nature. Given this, we identify a sufficient condition for a ``CCA-secure scheme which is black-box reduced from a CPA secure scheme'' to directly give rise to an ``anamorphic encryption scheme!'' Furthermore, we identify one extra property of the reduction, that yields a public-key anamorphic scheme as defined here.
Adaptive Hardcore Bit and Quantum Key Leasing over Classical Channel from LWE with Polynomial Modulus
Quantum key leasing, also known as public key encryption with secure key leasing (PKE-SKL), allows a user to lease a (quantum) secret key to a server for decryption purpose, with the capability of revoking the key afterwards. In the pioneering work by Chardouvelis et al (arXiv:2310.14328), a PKE-SKL scheme utilizing classical channels was successfully built upon the noisy trapdoor claw-free (NTCF) family. This approach, however, relies on the superpolynomial hardness of learning with errors (LWE) problem, which could affect both efficiency and security of the scheme. In our work, we demonstrate that the reliance on superpolynomial hardness is unnecessary, and that LWE with polynomial-size modulus is sufficient to achieve the same goal. Our approach enhances both efficiency and security, thereby improving the practical feasibility of the scheme on near-term quantum devices. To accomplish this, we first construct a noticeable NTCF (NNTCF) family with the adaptive hardcore bit property, based on LWE with polynomial-size modulus. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the adaptive hardcore bit property based on LWE with polynomial-size modulus, which may be of independent interest. Building on this foundation, we address additional challenges in prior work to construct the first PKE-SKL scheme satisfying the following properties: (i) the entire protocol utilizes only classical communication, and can also be lifted to support homomorphism. (ii) the security is solely based on LWE assumption with polynomial-size modulus. As a demonstration of the versatility of our noticeable NTCF, we show that an efficient proof of quantumness protocol can be built upon it. Specifically, our protocol enables a classical verifier to test the quantumness while relying exclusively on the LWE assumption with polynomial-size modulus.
Anamorphic Signatures: Secrecy From a Dictator Who Only Permits Authentication!
The goal of this research is to raise technical doubts regarding the usefulness of the repeated attempts by governments to curb Cryptography (aka the ``Crypto Wars''), and argue that they, in fact, cause more damage than adding effective control. The notion of \emph{Anamorphic Encryption} was presented in Eurocrypt'22 for a similar aim. There, despite the presence of a Dictator who possesses all keys and knows all messages, parties can arrange a hidden ``{\em anamorphic}'' message in an otherwise indistinguishable from regular ciphertexts (wrt the Dictator). In this work, we postulate a stronger cryptographic control setting where encryption does not exist (or is neutralized) since all communication is passed through the Dictator in, essentially, cleartext mode (or otherwise, when secure channels to and from the Dictator are the only confidentiality mechanism). Messages are only authenticated to assure recipients of the identity of the sender. We ask whether security against the Dictator still exists, even under such a~strict regime which allows only authentication (i.e., authenticated/ signed messages) to pass end-to-end, and where received messages are determined by/ known to the Dictator, and the Dictator also eventually gets all keys to verify compliance of past signing. To frustrate the dictator, this authenticated message setting gives rise to the possible notion of anamorphic channels inside signature and authentication schemes, where parties attempt to send undetectable secure messages (or other values) using authentication/ signature tags which are indistinguishable from regular tags. We define and present implementation of schemes for anamorphic signature and authentication; these are applicable to existing and standardized signature and authentication schemes which were designed independently of the notion of anamorphic messages. Further, some cornerstone constructions of the foundations of signatures, in fact, introduce anamorphism.
Verifiable Decentralized Multi-Client Functional Encryption for Inner Product
Joint computation on encrypted data is becoming increasingly crucial with the rise of cloud computing. In recent years, the development of multi-client functional encryption (MCFE) has made it possible to perform joint computation on private inputs, without any interaction. Well-settled solutions for linear functions have become efficient and secure, but there is still a shortcoming: if one user inputs incorrect data, the output of the function might become meaningless for all other users (while still useful for the malicious user). To address this issue, the concept of verifiable functional encryption was introduced by Badrinarayanan et al. at Asiacrypt ’16 (BGJS). However, their solution was impractical because of strong statistical requirements. More recently, Bell et al. introduced a related concept for secure aggregation, with their ACORN solution, but it requires multiple rounds of interactions between users. In this paper, – we first propose a computational definition of verifiability for MCFE. Our notion covers the computational version of BGJS and extends it to handle any valid inputs defined by predicates. The BGJS notion corresponds to the particular case of a fixed predicate, in our setting; – we then introduce a new technique called Combine-then-Descend, which relies on the class group. It allows us to construct One-time Decentralized Sum (ODSUM) on verifiable private inputs. ODSUM is the building block for our final protocol of a verifiable decentralized MCFE for inner-product, where the inputs are within a range. Our approach notably enables the efficient identification of malicious users, thereby addressing an unsolved problem in ACORN.
Anamorphic Encryption: Private Communication against a Dictator 📺
Giuseppe Persiano Duong Hieu Phan Moti Yung
Cryptosystems have been developed over the years under the typical prevalent setting which assumes that the receiver’s key is kept secure from the adversary, and that the choice of the message to be sent is freely performed by the sender and is kept secure from the adversary as well. Under these fundamental and basic operational assumptions, modern Cryptography has flourished over the last half a century or so, with amazing achievements: New systems (including public-key Cryptography), beautiful and useful models (including security definitions such as semantic security), and new primitives (such as zero-knowledge proofs) have been developed. Furthermore, these fundamental achievements have been translated into actual working systems, and span many of the daily human activities over the Internet. However, in recent years, there is an overgrowing pressure from many governments to allow the government itself access to keys and messages of encryption systems (under various names: escrow encryption, emergency access, communication decency acts, etc.). Numerous non-direct arguments against such policies have been raised, such as “the bad guys can utilize other encryption system” so all other cryptosystems have to be declared illegal, or that “allowing the government access is an ill-advised policy since it creates a natural weak systems security point, which may attract others (to masquerade as the government).” It remains a fundamental open issue to show directly that the above mentioned efforts by a government (called here “a dictator” for brevity) which mandate breaking of the basic operational assumption (and disallowing other cryptosystems), is, in fact, a futile exercise. This is a direct technical point which needs to be made and has not been made to date. In this work, as a technical demonstration of the futility of the dictator’s demands, we invent the notion of “Anamorphic Encryption” which shows that even if the dictator gets the keys and the messages used in the system (before anything is sent) and no other system is allowed, there is a covert way within the context of well established public-key cryptosystems for an entity to send secure messages which are, in spite of the stringent dictator conditions, hidden from the dictator itself! We feel that this may be an important direct technical argument against the nature of governments attempts to police the use of strong cryptographic systems, and we hope to stimulate further works in this direction.
Multi-Client Functional Encryption with Fine-Grained Access Control 📺
Ky Nguyen David Pointcheval Duong Hieu Phan
Multi-Client Functional Encryption (\MCFE) and Multi-Input Functional Encryption (\MIFE) are very interesting extensions of Functional Encryption for practical purpose. They allow to compute joint function over data from multiple parties. Both primitives are aimed at applications in multi-user settings where decryption can be correctly output for users with appropriate functional decryption keys only. While the definitions for a single user or multiple users were quite general and can be realized for general classes of functions as expressive as Turing machines or all circuits, efficient schemes have been proposed so far for concrete classes of functions: either only for access control, \emph{i.e.} the identity function under some conditions, or linear/quadratic functions under no condition. In this paper, we target classes of functions that explicitly combine some evaluation functions independent of the decrypting user under the condition of some access control. More precisely, we introduce a framework for \MCFE with fine-grained access control and propose constructions for both single-client and multi-client settings, for inner-product evaluation and access control via Linear Secret Sharing Schemes (\textsf{LSSS}), with selective and adaptive security. The only known work that combines functional encryption in multi-user setting with access control was proposed by Abdalla \emph{et al.} (Asiacrypt '20), which relies on a generic transformation from the single-client schemes to obtain $\MIFE$ schemes that suffer a quadratic factor of $n$ (where $n$ denotes the number of clients) in the ciphertext size. We follow a different path, via $\MCFE$: we present a \emph{duplicate-and-compress} technique to transform the single-client scheme and obtain a \MCFE with fine-grained access control scheme with only a linear factor of $n$ in the ciphertext size. Our final scheme thus outperforms the Abdalla \emph{et al.}'s scheme by a factor $n$, as one can obtain \MIFE from \MCFE by making all the labels in \MCFE a fixed public constant. The concrete constructions are secure under the $\SXDH$ assumption, in the random oracle model for the \MCFE scheme, but in the standard model for the \MIFE improvement.
Linearly-Homomorphic Signatures and Scalable Mix-Nets 📺
Anonymity is a primary ingredient for our digital life. Several tools have been designed to address it such as, for authentication, blind signatures, group signatures or anonymous credentials and, for confidentiality, randomizable encryption or mix-nets. When it comes to complex electronic voting schemes, random shuffling of authenticated ciphertexts with mix-nets is the only known tool. However, it requires huge and complex zero-knowledge proofs to guarantee the actual permutation of the initial ciphertexts in a privacy-preserving way. In this paper, we propose a new approach for proving correct shuffling of signed ElGamal ciphertexts: the mix-servers can simply randomize individual ballots, which means the ciphertexts, the signatures, and the verification keys, with an additional global proof of constant size, and the output will be publicly verifiable. The security proof is in the generic bilinear group model. The computational complexity for the each mix-server is linear in the number of ballots. Verification is also linear in the number of ballots, but independent of the number of rounds of mixing. This leads to a new highly scalable technique. Our construction makes use of linearly-homomorphic signatures, with new features, that are of independent interest.
Dynamic Decentralized Functional Encryption 📺
We introduce Dynamic Decentralized Functional Encryption (DDFE), a generalization of Functional Encryption which allows multiple users to join the system dynamically, without relying on a trusted third party or on expensive and interactive Multi-Party Computation protocols. This notion subsumes existing multi-user extensions of Functional Encryption, such as Multi-Input, Multi-Client, and Ad Hoc Multi-Input Functional Encryption. We define and construct schemes for various functionalities which serve as building-blocks for latter primitives and may be useful in their own right, such as a scheme for dynamically computing sums in any Abelian group. These constructions build upon simple primitives in a modular way, and have instantiations from well-studied assumptions, such as DDH or LWE. Our constructions culminate in an Inner-Product scheme for computing weighted sums on aggregated encrypted data, from standard assumptions in prime-order groups in the Random Oracle Model.
Catalic: Delegated PSI Cardinality with Applications to Contact Tracing 📺
Thai Duong Duong Hieu Phan Ni Trieu
Private Set Intersection Cardinality (PSI-CA) allows two parties, each holding a set of items, to learn the size of the intersection of those sets without revealing any additional information. To the best of our knowledge, this work presents the first protocol that allows one of the parties to delegate PSI-CA computation to untrusted servers. At the heart of our delegated PSI-CA protocol is a new oblivious distributed key PRF (Odk-PRF) abstraction, which may be of independent interest. We explore in detail how to use our delegated PSI-CA protocol to perform privacy-preserving contact tracing. It has been estimated that a significant percentage of a given population would need to use a contact tracing app to stop a disease’s spread. Prior privacy-preserving contact tracing systems, however, impose heavy bandwidth or computational demands on client devices. These demands present an economic disincentive to participate for end users who may be billed per MB by their mobile data plan or for users who want to save battery life. We propose Catalic (ContAct TrAcing for LIghtweight Clients), a new contact tracing system that minimizes bandwidth cost and computation workload on client devices. By applying our new delegated PSI-CA protocol, Catalic shifts most of the client-side computation of contact tracing to untrusted servers, and potentially saves each user hundreds of megabytes of mobile data per day while preserving privacy.
Decentralized Multi-Client Functional Encryption for Inner Product
We consider a situation where multiple parties, owning data that have to be frequently updated, agree to share weighted sums of these data with some aggregator, but where they do not wish to reveal their individual data, and do not trust each other. We combine techniques from Private Stream Aggregation (PSA) and Functional Encryption (FE), to introduce a primitive we call Decentralized Multi-Client Functional Encryption (DMCFE), for which we give a practical instantiation for Inner Product functionalities. This primitive allows various senders to non-interactively generate ciphertexts which support inner-product evaluation, with functional decryption keys that can also be generated non-interactively, in a distributed way, among the senders. Interactions are required during the setup phase only. We prove adaptive security of our constructions, while allowing corruptions of the clients, in the random oracle model.

Program Committees

Eurocrypt 2024
Asiacrypt 2023
Asiacrypt 2022
Asiacrypt 2021
Asiacrypt 2020
Asiacrypt 2019
Asiacrypt 2014
PKC 2010
Eurocrypt 2009