International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Nigel P. Smart

ORCID: 0000-0003-3567-3304


Drifting Towards Better Error Probabilities in Fully Homomorphic Encryption Schemes
There are two security notions for FHE schemes the traditional notion of IND-CPA, and a more stringent notion of IND-CPA^D. The notions are equivalent if the FHE schemes are perfectly correct, however for schemes with negligible failure probability the FHE parameters needed to obtain IND-CPA^D security can be much larger than those needed to obtain IND-CPA security. This paper uses the notion of ciphertext drift in order to understand the practical difference between IND-CPA and IND-CPA^D security in schemes such as FHEW, TFHE and FINAL. This notion allows us to define a modulus switching operation (the main culprit for the difference in parameters) such that one does not require adapting IND-CPA cryptographic parameters to meet the IND-CPA^D security level. Further, the extra cost incurred by the new techniques has no noticeable performance impact in practical applications. The paper also formally defines a stronger version for IND-CPA^D security called sIND-CPA^D, which is proved to be strictly separated from the IND-CPA^D notion. Criterion for turning an IND-CPA^D secure public-key encryption into an sIND-CPA^D one is also provided.
Lightweight Asynchronous Verifiable Secret Sharing with Optimal Resilience
Victor Shoup Nigel P. Smart
<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>We present new protocols for <jats:italic>Asynchronous Verifiable Secret Sharing</jats:italic> for Shamir (i.e., threshold <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$t&lt;n$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>t</mml:mi> <mml:mo>&lt;</mml:mo> <mml:mi>n</mml:mi> </mml:mrow> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>) sharing of secrets. Our protocols:<jats:list list-type="bullet"> <jats:list-item> <jats:p>Use only “lightweight” cryptographic primitives, such as hash functions;</jats:p> </jats:list-item> <jats:list-item> <jats:p>Can share secrets over rings such as <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$${\mathbb {Z}}/(p^k)$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>Z</mml:mi> <mml:mo>/</mml:mo> <mml:mo>(</mml:mo> <mml:msup> <mml:mi>p</mml:mi> <mml:mi>k</mml:mi> </mml:msup> <mml:mo>)</mml:mo> </mml:mrow> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> as well as finite fields <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$\mathbb {F}_q$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:msub> <mml:mi>F</mml:mi> <mml:mi>q</mml:mi> </mml:msub> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula>;</jats:p> </jats:list-item> <jats:list-item> <jats:p>Provide <jats:italic>optimal resilience</jats:italic>, in the sense that they tolerate up to <jats:inline-formula><jats:alternatives><jats:tex-math>$$t &lt; n/3$$</jats:tex-math><mml:math xmlns:mml=""> <mml:mrow> <mml:mi>t</mml:mi> <mml:mo>&lt;</mml:mo> <mml:mi>n</mml:mi> <mml:mo>/</mml:mo> <mml:mn>3</mml:mn> </mml:mrow> </mml:math></jats:alternatives></jats:inline-formula> corruptions, where <jats:italic>n</jats:italic> is the total number of parties;</jats:p> </jats:list-item> <jats:list-item> <jats:p>Are <jats:italic>complete</jats:italic>, in the sense that they guarantee that if any honest party receives their share then all honest parties receive their shares;</jats:p> </jats:list-item> <jats:list-item> <jats:p>Employ <jats:italic>batching</jats:italic> techniques, whereby a dealer shares many secrets in parallel and achieves an amortized communication complexity that is linear in <jats:italic>n</jats:italic>, at least on the “happy path”, where no party <jats:italic>provably</jats:italic> misbehaves. </jats:p> </jats:list-item> </jats:list></jats:p>
MPC With Delayed Parties Over Star-Like Networks
This paper examines multi-party computation protocols in the presence of two major constraints present in deployed systems. Firstly, we consider the situation where the parties are connected not by direct point-to-point connections, but by a star-like topology with a few central post-office style relays. Secondly, we consider MPC protocols with a strong honest majority ($t \gg n/2$) in which we have stragglers (some parties are progressing slower than others). We model stragglers by allowing the adversary to delay messages to and from some parties for a given length of time. We first show that having only a single honest relay is enough to ensure consensus of the messages sent within a protocol; secondly, we show that special care must be taken to describe multiplication protocols in the case of relays and stragglers; thirdly, we present an efficient honest-majority MPC protocol which can be run ontop of the relays and which provides active-security with abort in the case of a strong honest majority, even when run with stragglers. We back up our protocol presentation with both experimental evaluations and simulations of the effect of the relays and delays on our protocol.
FINAL: Faster FHE instantiated with NTRU and LWE 📺
The NTRU problem is a promising candidate to build efficient Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE).However, all the existing proposals (e.g. LTV, YASHE) need so-called `overstretched' parameters of NTRU to enable homomorphic operations. It was shown by Albrecht~et~al. (CRYPTO~2016) that these parameters are vulnerable against subfield lattice attacks. Based on a recent, more detailed analysis of the overstretched NTRU assumption by Ducas and van Woerden (ASIACRYPT~2021), we construct two FHE schemes whose NTRU parameters lie outside the overstretched range.The first scheme is based solely on NTRU and demonstrates competitive performance against the state-of-the-art FHE schemes including TFHE. Our second scheme, which is based on both the NTRU and LWE assumptions, outperforms TFHE with a 28\% faster bootstrapping and 45\% smaller bootstrapping and key-switching keys.
High-Performance Multi-party Computation for Binary Circuits Based on Oblivious Transfer
We present a unified view of the two-party and multi-party computation protocols based on oblivious transfer first outlined in Nielsen et al. (CRYPTO 2012) and Larraia et al. (CRYPTO 2014). We present a number of modifications and improvements to these earlier presentations, as well as full proofs of the entire protocol. Improvements include a unified pre-processing and online MAC methodology, mechanisms to pass between different MAC variants and fixing a minor bug in the protocol of Larraia et al. in relation to a selective failure attack. It also fixes a minor bug in Nielsen et al. resulting from using Jensen’s inequality in the wrong direction in an analysis.
Large Scale, Actively Secure Computation from LPN and Free-XOR Garbled Circuits 📺
Whilst secure multiparty computation (MPC) based on garbled circuits is concretely efficient for a small number of parties $n$, the gap between the complexity of practical protocols, which is $O(n^2)$ per party, and the theoretical complexity, which is $O(n)$ per party, is prohibitive for large values of $n$. In order to bridge this gap, Ben-Efraim, Lindell and Omri (ASIACRYPT 2017) introduced a garbled-circuit-based MPC protocol with an almost-practical pre-processing, yielding $O(n)$ complexity per party. However, this protocol is only passively secure and does not support the free-XOR technique by Kolesnikov and Schneider (ICALP 2008), on which almost all practical garbled-circuit-based protocols rely on for their efficiency. In this work, to further bridge the gap between theory and practice, we present a new $n$-party garbling technique based on a new variant of standard LPN-based encryption. Using this approach we can describe two new garbled-circuit based protocols, which have practical evaluation phases. Both protocols are in the preprocessing model, have $O(n)$ complexity per party, are actively secure and support the free-XOR technique. The first protocol tolerates full threshold corruption and ensures the garbled circuit contains no adversarially introduced errors, using a rather expensive garbling phase. The second protocol assumes that at least $n/c$ of the parties are honest (for an arbitrary fixed value $c$) and allows a significantly lighter preprocessing, at the cost of a small sacrifice in online efficiency. We demonstrate the practicality of our approach with an implementation of the evaluation phase using different circuits. We show that like the passively-secure protocol of Ben-Efraim, Lindell and Omri, our approach starts to improve upon other practical protocols with $O(n^2)$ complexity when the number of parties is around $100$.
Round-optimal Verifiable Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions from Ideal Lattices 📺
Verifiable Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (VOPRFs) are protocols that allow a client to learn verifiable pseudorandom function (PRF) evaluations on inputs of their choice. The PRF evaluations are computed by a server using their own secret key. The security of the protocol prevents both the server from learning anything about the client's input, and likewise the client from learning anything about the server's key. VOPRFs have many applications including password-based authentication, secret-sharing, anonymous authentication and efficient private set intersection. In this work, we construct the first round-optimal (online) VOPRF protocol that retains security from well-known subexponential lattice hardness assumptions. Our protocol requires constructions of non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge (NIZKAoK). Using recent developments in the area of post-quantum zero-knowledge arguments of knowledge, we show that our VOPRF may be securely instantiated in the quantum random oracle model. We construct such arguments as extensions of prior work in the area of lattice-based zero-knowledge proof systems.
Gladius: LWR based efficient hybrid public key encryption with distributed decryption 📺
Standard hybrid encryption schemes based on the KEM-DEM framework are hard to implement efficiently in a distributed manner whilst maintaining the CCA security property of the scheme. This is because the DEM needs to be decrypted under the key encapsulated by the KEM, before the whole ciphertext is declared valid. In this paper we present a new variant of the KEM-DEM framework, closely related to Tag-KEMs, which sidesteps this issue. We then present a post-quantum KEM for this framework based on Learning-with-Rounding, which is designed specifically to have fast distributed decryption. Our combined construction of a hybrid encryption scheme with Learning-with-Rounding based KEM, called Gladius, is closely related to the NIST Round 3 candidate called Saber. Finally, we give a prototype distributed implementation that achieves a decapsulation time of 4.99 seconds for three parties.
Actively Secure Setup for SPDZ
We present the first actively secure, practical protocol to generate the distributed secret keys needed in the SPDZ offline protocol. As an added bonus our protocol results in the resulting distribution of the public and secret keys are such that the associated SHE ‘noise’ analysis is the same as if the distributed keys were generated by a trusted setup. We implemented the presented protocol for distributed BGV key generation within the SCALE-MAMBA   framework. Our method makes use of a new method for creating doubly (or even more) authenticated bits in different MPC engines, which has applications in other areas of MPC-based secure computation. We were able to generate keys for two parties and a plaintext size of 64 bits in around 5 min, and a little more than 18 min for a 128-bit prime.
Efficient Constant-Round Multi-party Computation Combining BMR and SPDZ
Recently, there has been huge progress in the field of concretely efficient secure computation, even while providing security in the presence of malicious adversaries. This is especially the case in the two-party setting, where constant-round protocols exist that remain fast even over slow networks. However, in the multi-party setting, all concretely efficient fully secure protocols, such as SPDZ, require many rounds of communication. In this paper, we present a constant-round multi-party secure computation protocol that is fully secure in the presence of malicious adversaries and for any number of corrupted parties. Our construction is based on the constant-round protocol of Beaver et al. (the BMR protocol) and is the first version of that protocol that is concretely efficient for the dishonest majority case. Our protocol includes an online phase that is extremely fast and mainly consists of each party locally evaluating a garbled circuit. For the offline phase, we present both a generic construction (using any underlying MPC protocol) and a highly efficient instantiation based on the SPDZ protocol. Our estimates show the protocol to be considerably more efficient than previous fully secure multi-party protocols.
CAPA: The Spirit of Beaver Against Physical Attacks 📺
In this paper we introduce two things: On one hand we introduce the Tile-Probe-and-Fault model, a model generalising the wire-probe model of Ishai et al. extending it to cover both more realistic side-channel leakage scenarios on a chip and also to cover fault and combined attacks. Secondly we introduce CAPA: a combined Countermeasure Against Physical Attacks. Our countermeasure is motivated by our model, and aims to provide security against higher-order SCA, multiple-shot FA and combined attacks. The tile-probe-and-fault model leads one to naturally look (by analogy) at actively secure multi-party computation protocols. Indeed, CAPA draws much inspiration from the MPC protocol SPDZ. So as to demonstrate that the model, and the CAPA countermeasure, are not just theoretical constructions, but could also serve to build practical countermeasures, we present initial experiments of proof-of-concept designs using the CAPA methodology. Namely, a hardware implementation of the KATAN and AES block ciphers, as well as a software bitsliced AES S-box implementation. We demonstrate experimentally that the design can resist second-order DPA attacks, even when the attacker is presented with many hundreds of thousands of traces. In addition our proof-of-concept can also detect faults within our model with high probability in accordance to the methodology.
Modes of Operation Suitable for Computing on Encrypted Data
Dragos Rotaru Nigel P. Smart Martijn Stam
We examine how two parallel modes of operation for Authenticated Encryption (namely CTR+PMAC and OTR mode) work when evaluated in a multiparty computation engine. These two modes are selected because they suit the PRFs examined in previous works. In particular the modes are highly parallel, and do not require evaluation of the inverse of the underlying PRF. In order to use these modes one needs to convert them from their original instantiation of being defined on binary blocks of data, to working on elememts in a large prime finite field. The latter fitting the use case of many secret-sharing based MPC engines. In doing this conversion we examine the associated security proofs of PMAC and OTR, and show that they carry over to this new setting.


CiC 2024 Area Editor
Eurocrypt 2022 Program committee
RWC 2022 Sponsorship chair
RWC 2021 Sponsorship chair
Crypto 2018 Program committee
Eurocrypt 2018 Program committee
Crypto 2016 Program committee
Eurocrypt 2016 Program committee
Crypto 2015 Program committee
Asiacrypt 2015 Program committee
IACR Board: Vice president 2014 - 2016
RWC 2014 Organizer
Crypto 2013 Program committee
Eurocrypt 2013 Program committee
PKC 2013 Program committee
Asiacrypt 2013 Program committee
RWC 2013 Organizer
Eurocrypt 2012 General chair
PKC 2012 Program committee
CHES 2012 Program committee
Asiacrypt 2012 Program committee
IACR Board: Director 2012 - 2014
RWC 2012 Organizer
PKC 2011 Program committee
CHES 2011 Program committee
Asiacrypt 2011 Program committee
IACR Board: Eurocrypt general chair 2011 - 2012
Asiacrypt 2010 Program committee
Eurocrypt 2009 Program committee
Eurocrypt 2008 Program chair
Crypto 2007 Program committee
Asiacrypt 2007 Program committee
CHES 2006 Program committee
PKC 2005 Program committee
CHES 2005 Program committee
Asiacrypt 2005 Program committee
Crypto 2004 Program committee
PKC 2004 Program committee
Asiacrypt 2004 Program committee
Eurocrypt 2003 Program committee
Asiacrypt 2003 Program committee
Crypto 2002 Program committee
Eurocrypt 2002 Program committee
PKC 2001 Program committee
Asiacrypt 2001 Program committee
PKC 2000 Program committee
PKC 1999 Program committee


Michel Abdalla (2)
Martin R. Albrecht (1)
Victor Arribas (1)
Aner Ben-Efraim (1)
Naomi Benger (1)
Emad Heydari Beni (1)
Kamel Bentahar (1)
Olivier Bernard (1)
Begül Bilgin (1)
James Birkett (1)
Charlotte Bonte (1)
Sai Sheshank Burra (1)
Dario Catalano (1)
Liqun Chen (1)
Ashish Choudhary (1)
Kelong Cong (2)
Daniele Cozzo (1)
Ivan Damgård (1)
Alex Davidson (1)
Lauren De Meyer (1)
Alexander W. Dent (2)
Amit Deo (1)
Pooya Farshim (1)
Steven D. Galbraith (1)
Mariana Gama (1)
Pierrick Gaudry (1)
Craig Gentry (3)
Essam Ghadafi (1)
P. J. Green (1)
Shai Halevi (3)
Florian Hess (2)
Ilia Iliashenko (1)
Jeongeun Park (1)
Antoine Joux (1)
Marc Joye (1)
Enrique Larraia (2)
Peter J. Leadbitter (1)
Reynald Lercier (1)
Pierre-Yvan Liardet (1)
Yehuda Lindell (3)
Jake Loftus (1)
John Malone-Lee (4)
Varun Maram (1)
David May (1)
Payman Mohassel (1)
Paul Morrissey (3)
Henk L. Muller (1)
David Naccache (1)
Gregory Neven (2)
Jesper Buus Nielsen (1)
Ventzislav Nikov (1)
Svetla Nikova (1)
Richard Noad (1)
Peter Sebastian Nordholt (1)
Eran Omri (1)
Claudio Orlandi (1)
Emmanuela Orsini (6)
Daniel Page (2)
Valerio Pastro (1)
Arpita Patra (1)
Hilder Vitor Lima Pereira (1)
Duong Hieu Phan (1)
Benny Pinkas (3)
David Pointcheval (2)
Joop van de Pol (2)
Oscar Reparaz (1)
Dragos Rotaru (2)
Seyed Saeed Sadeghian (1)
Thomas Schneider (1)
Peter Scholl (1)
Jacob C. N. Schuldt (1)
Victor Shoup (1)
Samir Siksek (1)
Nigel P. Smart (51)
Eduardo Soria-Vazquez (2)
Martijn Stam (1)
Jacques Stern (2)
Titouan Tanguy (1)
Frederik Vercauteren (3)
Michael Walter (1)
Bogdan Warinschi (4)
Stephen C. Williams (1)
Tim Wood (1)
Avishay Yanai (2)
Yuval Yarom (1)
Oliver Zajonc (1)
Sarah Zakarias (1)