International Association for Cryptologic Research

International Association
for Cryptologic Research


Andrej Bogdanov


CDS Composition of Multi-Round Protocols
We revisit the Cramer, Damg{\aa}rd, Schoenmakers (CDS) approach for composing sigma protocols, and adapt it to a setting in which the underlying protocols have multiple rounds of interaction. The goal of CDS composition is to prove compound NP-relations by combining multiple ``atomic'' proof systems. Its key feature is that it interacts with the atomic proofs in a generic fashion, enabling simpler and more efficient implementation. Recent developments in multi-round protocols call for the adaptation of CDS composition beyond its original scope, which not only was restricted to three-move protocols but in fact fails in the multi-round case, as well as in the composition of so-called $k$-special sound proofs. We propose a new method for multi-round composition in the plain model, in a soundness preserving way and with an ``offline'' zero-knowledge simulation property. The need for handling arbitrary monotone access structures in $\mathsf{mNC}^1$, which is all Boolean function families represented by polynomial-size formulas over some fixed complete basis, leads us to identify a complexity theoretic problem of independent interest. Prior to our work, multi-round composition was either restricted to the random oracle model, or worked only for argument systems, and moreover required heavy ``online'' zero-knowledge simulation.
Low-degree Security of the Planted Random Subgraph Problem
The planted random subgraph detection conjecture of Abram et al. (TCC 2023) asserts the pseudorandomness of a pair of graphs $(H, G)$, where $G$ is an Erdos-Renyi random graph on $n$ vertices, and $H$ is a random induced subgraph of $G$ on $k$ vertices. Assuming the hardness of distinguishing these two distributions (with two leaked vertices), Abram et al. construct communication-efficient, computationally secure (1) 2-party private simultaneous messages (PSM) and (2) secret sharing for forbidden graph structures. We prove low-degree hardness of detecting planted random subgraphs all the way up to $k\leq n^{1 - \Omega(1)}$. This improves over Abram et al.'s analysis for $k \leq n^{1/2 - \Omega(1)}$. The hardness extends to $r$-uniform hypergraphs for constant $r$. Our analysis is tight in the distinguisher's degree, its advantage, and in the number of leaked vertices. Extending the constructions of Abram et al, we apply the conjecture towards (1) communication-optimal multiparty PSM protocols that are secure even against multiple random evaluations and (2) bit secret sharing with share size $(1 + \epsilon)\log n$ for any $\epsilon > 0$ in which arbitrary coalitions of up to $r$ parties can reconstruct and secrecy holds against all unqualified subsets of up to $\ell = o(\epsilon \log n)^{1/(r-1)}$ parties.
Public-Key Encryption, Local Pseudorandom Generators, and the Low-Degree Method
Alon Rosen Andrej Bogdanov Pravesh Kothari
The low-degree method postulates that no efficient algorithm outperforms low-degree polynomials in certain hypothesis-testing tasks. It has been used to understand computational indistinguishability in high-dimensional statistics. We explore the use of the low-degree method in the context of cryptography. To this end, we apply it in the design and analysis of a new public-key encryption scheme whose security is based on Goldreich's pseudorandom generator. The scheme is a combination of two proposals of Applebaum, Barak, and Wigderson, and inherits desirable features from both.
Public-Key Encryption from Homogeneous CLWE
The homogeneous continuous LWE (hCLWE) problem is to distinguish samples of a specific high-dimensional Gaussian mixture from standard normal samples. It was shown to be at least as hard as Learning with Errors, but no reduction in the other direction is currently known. We present four new public-key encryption schemes based on the hardness of hCLWE, with varying tradeoffs between decryption and security errors, and different discretization techniques. Our schemes yield a polynomial-time algorithm for solving hCLWE using a Statistical Zero-Knowledge oracle.
Correction to: Unconditionally Secure Computation Against Low-Complexity Leakage
We consider the problem of constructing leakage-resilient circuit compilers that are secure against global leakage functions with bounded output length. By global, we mean that the leakage can depend on all circuit wires and output a low-complexity function (represented as a multi-output Boolean circuit) applied on these wires. In this work, we design compilers both in the stateless (a.k.a. single-shot leakage) setting and the stateful (a.k.a. continuous leakage) setting that are unconditionally secure against $$\mathsf {AC}^0$$ AC 0 leakage and similar low-complexity classes. In the stateless case, we show that the original private circuits construction of Ishai, Sahai, and Wagner (Crypto 2003) is actually secure against $${\mathsf {AC}}^{0}$$ AC 0 leakage. In the stateful case, we modify the construction of Rothblum (Crypto 2012), obtaining a simple construction with unconditional security. Prior works that designed leakage-resilient circuit compilers against $$\mathsf {AC}^0$$ AC 0 leakage had to rely either on secure hardware components (Faust et al., Eurocrypt 2010, Miles-Viola, STOC 2013) or on (unproven) complexity-theoretic assumptions (Rothblum, Crypto 2012).
Acyclicity Programming for Sigma-Protocols 📺
Cramer, Damgård, and Schoenmakers (CDS) built a proof system to demonstrate the possession of subsets of witnesses for a given collection of statements that belong to a prescribed access structure P by composing so-called sigma-protocols for each atomic statement. Their verifier complexity is linear in the size of the monotone span program representation of P. We propose an alternative method for combining sigma-protocols into a single non-interactive system for a compound statement in the random oracle model. In contrast to CDS, our verifier complexity is linear in the size of the acyclicity program representation of P, a complete model of monotone computation introduced in this work. We show that the acyclicity program size of a predicate is never larger than its de Morgan formula size and it is polynomially incomparable to its monotone span program size. We additionally present an extension of our proof system, with verifier complexity linear in the monotone circuit size of P, in the common reference string model. Finally, considering the types of statement that naturally reduce to acyclicity programming, we discuss several applications of our new methods to protecting privacy in cryptocurrency and social networks.
Unconditionally Secure Computation Against Low-Complexity Leakage
We consider the problem of constructing leakage-resilient circuit compilers that are secure against global leakage functions with bounded output length. By global, we mean that the leakage can depend on all circuit wires and output a low-complexity function (represented as a multi-output Boolean circuit) applied on these wires. In this work, we design compilers both in the stateless (a.k.a. single-shot leakage) setting and the stateful (a.k.a. continuous leakage) setting that are unconditionally secure against $$\mathsf {AC}^0$$ AC 0 leakage and similar low-complexity classes. In the stateless case, we show that the original private circuits construction of Ishai, Sahai, and Wagner (Crypto 2003) is actually secure against $$\mathsf {AC}^0$$ AC 0 leakage. In the stateful case, we modify the construction of Rothblum (Crypto 2012), obtaining a simple construction with unconditional security. Prior works that designed leakage-resilient circuit compilers against $$\mathsf {AC}^0$$ AC 0 leakage had to rely either on secure hardware components (Faust et al., Eurocrypt 2010, Miles-Viola, STOC 2013) or on (unproven) complexity-theoretic assumptions (Rothblum, Crypto 2012).
Non-Interactive Composition of Sigma-Protocols via Share-then-Hash 📺
Proofs of partial knowledge demonstrate the possession of certain subsets of witnesses for a given collection of statements x_1,\dots,x_n. Cramer, Damg{\aa}rd, and Schoenmakers (CDS), built proofs of partial knowledge, given "atomic" protocols for individual statements x_i, by having the prover randomly secret share the verifier's challenge and using the shares as challenges for the atomic protocols. This simple and highly-influential transformation has been used in numerous applications, ranging from anonymous credentials to ring signatures. We consider what happens if, instead of using the shares directly as challenges, the prover first hashes them. We show that this elementary enhancement can result in significant benefits: - the proof contains a {\em single} atomic transcript per statement x_i, - it suffices that the atomic protocols are k-special sound for k \geq 2, - when compiled using the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, the protocol retains its soundness in the {\em non-programmable} random oracle model. None of the above features is satisfied by the CDS transformation.
Unconditionally Secure Computation Against Low-Complexity Leakage 📺
We consider the problem of constructing leakage-resilient circuit compilers that are secure against global leakage functions with bounded output length. By global, we mean that the leakage can depend on all circuit wires and output a low-complexity function (represented as a multi-output Boolean circuit) applied on these wires. In this work, we design compilers both in the stateless (a.k.a. single-shot leakage) setting and the stateful (a.k.a. continuous leakage) setting that are unconditionally secure against $$\mathsf {AC}^0$$ leakage and similar low-complexity classes.In the stateless case, we show that the original private circuits construction of Ishai, Sahai, and Wagner (Crypto 2003) is actually secure against $$\mathsf {AC}^0$$ leakage. In the stateful case, we modify the construction of Rothblum (Crypto 2012), obtaining a simple construction with unconditional security. Prior works that designed leakage-resilient circuit compilers against $$\mathsf {AC}^0$$ leakage had to rely either on secure hardware components (Faust et al., Eurocrypt 2010, Miles-Viola, STOC 2013) or on (unproven) complexity-theoretic assumptions (Rothblum, Crypto 2012).

Program Committees

Asiacrypt 2024
Eurocrypt 2023
Asiacrypt 2022
Crypto 2021
TCC 2021
TCC 2020
Eurocrypt 2019
TCC 2018
TCC 2016