Hugo Krawczyk
SPRINT: High-Throughput Robust Distributed Schnorr Signatures
We describe robust high-throughput threshold protocols for generating Schnorr signatures in an asynchronous setting with potentially hundreds of parties. The protocols run a single message-independent interactive ephemeral randomness generation procedure (i.e., DKG) followed by \emph{non-interactive} signature generation for multiple messages, at a communication cost similar to one execution of a synchronous non-robust protocol in prior work (e.g., Gennaro et al.) and with a large number of parties (ranging from few tens to hundreds and more). Our protocols extend seamlessly to the dynamic/proactive setting where each run of the protocol uses a new committee with refreshed shares of the secret key; in particular, they support large committees periodically sampled from among the overall population of parties and the required secret state is transferred to the selected parties. The protocols work over a broadcast channel and are robust (provide guaranteed output delivery) even over asynchronous networks.
The combination of these features makes our protocols a good match for implementing a signature service over a public blockchain with many validators, where guaranteed output delivery is an absolute must. In that setting, there is a system-wide public key, where the corresponding secret signature key is distributed among the validators. Clients can submit messages (under suitable controls, e.g. smart contracts), and authorized messages are signed relative to the global public key.
Asymptotically, when running with committees of $n$ parties, our protocols can generate $\Omega(n^2)$ signatures per run, while providing resilience against $\Omega(n)$ corrupted nodes and broadcasting only $O(n^2)$ group elements and scalars (hence $O(1)$ elements per signature).
We prove the security of our protocols via a reduction to the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem in the random oracle model.
Password-Protected Threshold Signatures
We witness increase in applications like cryptocurrency wallets, which involve users issuing signatures using private keys. To protect these keys from loss or compromise, users commonly outsource them to a custodial server. This creates a new point of failure, because compromise of such server leaks the user’s key, and if user authentication is implemented with a password then this password becomes open to an offline dictionary attack (ODA). A better solution is to secret-share the key among a set of servers, possibly including user’s own device(s), and implement password authentication and signature computation using threshold cryptography.
We propose a notion of augmented password protected threshold signature scheme (aptSIG) which captures the best possible security level for this setting. Using standard threshold cryptography techniques, i.e. threshold password authentication and threshold signatures, one can guarantee that compromising up to t out of n servers reveals no information on either the key or the password. However, we extend this with a novel property, namely that compromising even all n servers also does not leak any information, except via an unavoidable ODA attack, which reveals the key (and the password) only if the attacker guesses the password.
We define aptSIG in the Universally Composable (UC) framework and show that it can be constructed very efficiently, using a black-box composition of any UC threshold signature [12] and a UC augmented Password-Protected Secret Sharing (aPPSS), which we define as an extension of prior notion of PPSS [26]. As concrete instantiations we obtain secure aptSIG schemes for ECDSA and BLS signatures with very small overhead over the respective respective threshold signature.
Password-Authenticated TLS via OPAQUE and Post-Handshake Authentication
OPAQUE is an Asymmetric Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (aPAKE)
protocol being standardized by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task
Force) as a more secure alternative to the traditional
``password-over-TLS" mechanism prevalent in current practice. OPAQUE
defends against a variety of vulnerabilities of password-over-TLS by
dispensing with reliance on PKI and TLS security, and ensuring that
the password is never visible to servers or anyone other than the
client machine where the password is entered.
In order to facilitate the use of OPAQUE in practice, integration
of OPAQUE with TLS is needed. The main proposal for standardizing such
integration uses the Exported Authenticators (TLS-EA) mechanism of TLS 1.3 that supports post-handshake authentication and allows for a
smooth composition with OPAQUE. We refer to this composition as
TLS-OPAQUE and present a detailed security analysis for it in the
Universal Composability (UC) framework.
Our treatment is more general and it includes the formalization of
components that are needed in the analysis of TLS-EA but are of wider
applicability as they are used in many protocols in practice. Specifically, we
provide formalizations in the UC model of the notions of post-handshake
authentication and channel binding. The latter, in particular, has been
hard to implement securely in practice, resulting in multiple protocol failures,
including major attacks against prior versions of TLS. Ours is the first
treatment of these notions in a computational model with composability
We complement the theoretical work with a detailed discussion of practical considerations for the use and deployment of TLS-OPAQUE in real-world settings and applications.
Asymmetric PAKE with low computation and communication
In Crypto'21 Gu, Jarecki, and Krawczyk [20] showed an asymmetric password authenticated key exchange protocol (aPAKE) whose computational cost matches (symmetric) password authenticated key exchange (PAKE) and plain (i.e. unauthenticated) key exchange (KE). However, this minimal-cost aPAKE did not match prior aPAKE's in round complexity, using 4 rounds assuming the client initiates compared to 2 rounds in an aPAKE of Bradley et al.
In this paper we show two aPAKE protocols that achieve optimal computational cost and optimal round complexity. Our protocols can be seen as applications of the Encrypted Key Exchange (EKE) compiler of Bellovin and Merritt [6], which creates password-authenticated key exchange by password-encrypting messages in a key exchange protocol. Whereas Bellovin and Merritt used this method to construct a PAKE by applying password-encryption to KE messages, we construct an aPAKE by applying password-encryption to messages of a unilaterally authenticated Key Exchange (ua-KE). We present two versions of this compiler. The first uses salted password hash and takes 3 rounds if the client initiates. The second uses unsalted password hash and takes a single simultaneous flow (it is the first aPAKE to do so), thus simultaneously matching the minimal computational cost and the minimal round complexity of PAKE and KE.
We analyze our aPAKE protocols assuming Ideal Cipher (IC) on a group as modular constructions from ua-KE realized via a (universally composable) Authenticated Key Exchange where the server uses one-time keys (otk-AKE). We then show that one-pass variants of 3DH and HMQV securely realize otk-AKE in ROM. Interestingly, the two resulting concrete aPAKE's use the exact same protocol messages as two natural variants of EKE, and the only difference between the symmetric PAKE (EKE) and asymmetric PAKE (our protocols) is in the key derivation equation used to derive the final session key output.
On the (In)Security of the Diffie-Hellman Oblivious PRF with Multiplicative Blinding
Oblivious Pseudorandom Function (OPRF) is a protocol between a client holding input x and a server holding key k for a PRF F. At the end, the client learns F_k(x) and nothing else while the server learns nothing. OPRF's have found diverse applications as components of larger protocols, and the currently most efficient instantiation, with security proven in the UC model, is F_k(x)=H2(x,(H1(x))^k) computed using so-called exponential blinding, i.e., the client sends a=(H1(x))^r for random r, the server responds b=a^k, which the client ublinds as v=b^{1/r} to compute F_k(x)=H2(x,v).
However, this protocol requires two variable-base exponentiations on the client, while a more efficient multiplicative blinding scheme replaces one or both client exponentiations with fixed-base exponentiation, leading to the decrease of the client's computational cost by a factor between two to six, depending on pre-computation.
We analyze the security of the above OPRF with multiplicative blinding, showing surprising weaknesses that offer attack avenues which are not present using exponential blinding. We characterize the security of this OPRF implementation as a "Revised OPRF" functionality, a relaxation of UC OPRF functionality used in prior work.
On the positive side, we show that the Revised OPRF suffices for the security of OPAQUE, the asymmetric PAKE protocol, hence allowing OPAQUE the computational advantages of multiplicative blinding. Unfortunately, we also show examples of other OPRF applications which become insecure when using such blinding. The conclusion is that usage of multiplicative blinding for F_k(x) defined as above, in settings where correct value g^k (needed for multiplicative blinding) is not authenticated, and OPRF inputs are of low entropy, must be carefully analyzed, or avoided all together. We complete the picture by showing a simple and safe alternative definition of function F_k(x) which offers (full) UC OPRF security using either form of blinding.
KHAPE: Asymmetric PAKE from Key-Hiding Key Exchange
OPAQUE [Jarecki et al., Eurocrypt 2018] is an asymmetric password authenticated key exchange (aPAKE) protocol that is being developed as an Internet standard and for use within TLS 1.3. OPAQUE combines an Oblivious PRF (OPRF) with an authenticated key exchange to provide strong security properties, including security against pre-computation attacks (called saPAKE security). However, the security of OPAQUE relies crucially on the integrity of the OPRF. If the latter breaks (by cryptanalysis, quantum attacks or security compromise), the user's password is immediately exposed to an offline dictionary attack. To address this weakness, we present KHAPE, a variant of OPAQUE that does not require the use of an OPRF to achieve aPAKE security, resulting in improved resilience and performance. An OPRF can be optionally added to KHAPE, for enhanced saPAKE security, but without opening the password to an offline dictionary attack upon OPRF compromise.
In addition to resilience to OPRF compromise, a DH-based implementation of KHAPE (using HMQV) offers the best performance among aPAKE protocols in terms of exponentiations with less than the cost of an exponentiation on top of an unauthenticated Diffie-Hellman exchange. KHAPE uses three messages with explicit client authentication and four with explicit server authentication (one more than OPAQUE in the latter case).
All results in the paper are proven within the UC framework in the ideal cipher model. Of independent interest is our treatment of "key-hiding AKE" which KHAPE uses as a main component, and our UC proofs of AKE security for protocols 3DH (a basis of Signal) and HMQV that we use as efficient instantiations of KHAPE.
You Only Speak Once: Secure MPC with Stateless Ephemeral Roles
The inherent difficulty of maintaining stateful environments over long periods of time gave rise to the paradigm of serverless computing, where mostly-stateless components are deployed on demand to handle computation tasks, and are teared down once their task is complete. Serverless architecture could offer the added benefit of improved resistance to targeted denial-of-service attacks, by hiding from the attacker the physical machines involved in the protocol until after they complete their work. Realizing such protection, however, requires that the protocol only uses stateless parties, where each party sends only one message and never needs to speaks again. Perhaps the most famous example of this style of protocols is the Nakamoto consensus protocol used in Bitcoin: A peer can win the right to produce the next block by running a local lottery (mining), all while staying covert. Once the right has been won, it is executed by sending a single message. After that, the physical entity never needs to send more messages.
We refer to this as the You-Only-Speak-Once (YOSO) property, and initiate the formal study of it within a new model that we call the YOSO model. Our model is centered around the notion of roles, which are stateless parties that can only send a single message. Crucially, our modelling separates the protocol design, that only uses roles, from the role-assignment mechanism, that assigns roles to actual physical entities. This separation enables studying these two aspects separately, and our YOSO model in this work only deals with the protocol-design aspect.
We describe several techniques for achieving YOSO MPC; both computational and information theoretic. Our protocols are synchronous and provide guaranteed output delivery (which is important for application domains such as blockchains), assuming honest majority of roles in every time step. We describe a practically efficient computationally-secure protocol, as well as a proof-of-concept information theoretically secure protocol.
Can a Blockchain Keep a Secret?
Blockchains are gaining traction and acceptance, not just for cryptocurrencies, but increasingly as an architecture for distributed computing.
In this work we seek solutions that allow a \emph{public} blockchain to act as a trusted long-term repository of secret information:
Our goal is to deposit a secret with the blockchain, specify how it is to be used (e.g., the conditions under which it is released), and have the blockchain keep the secret and use it only in the specified manner (e.g., release only it once the conditions are met).
This simple functionality enables many powerful applications, including signing statements on behalf of the blockchain, using it as the control plane for a storage system, performing decentralized program-obfuscation-as-a-service, and many more.
Using proactive secret sharing techniques, we present a scalable solution for implementing this functionality on a public blockchain, in the presence of a mobile adversary controlling a small minority of the participants.
The main challenge is that, on the one hand, scalability requires that we use small committees to represent the entire system, but, on the other hand, a mobile adversary may be able to corrupt the entire committee if it is small.
For this reason, existing proactive secret sharing solutions are either non-scalable or insecure in our setting.
We approach this challenge via "player replaceability", which ensures the committee is anonymous until after it performs its actions.
Our main technical contribution is a system that allows sharing and re-sharing of secrets among the members of small dynamic committees, without knowing who they are until after they perform their actions and erase their secrets. Our solution handles a fully mobile adversary corrupting roughly 1/4 of the participants at any time, and is scalable in terms of both the number of parties and the number of time intervals.
Two-Factor Authentication with End-to-End Password Security
We present a secure two-factor authentication (TFA) scheme based on the possession by the user of a password and a crypto-capable device. Security is “end-to-end” in the sense that the attacker can attack all parts of the system, including all communication links and any subset of parties (servers, devices, client terminals), can learn users’ passwords, and perform active and passive attacks, online and offline. In all cases the scheme provides the highest attainable security bounds given the set of compromised components. Our solution builds a TFA scheme using any Device-Enhanced PAKE, defined by Jarecki et al., and any Short Authenticated String (SAS) Message Authentication, defined by Vaudenay. We show an efficient instantiation the modular, generic construction we give is not PAKE-agnostic because it doesn’t even use PAKE, but the instantiation of this scheme which instantiates DE-PAKE with PTR+PAKE is PAKE-agnostic as you say of this modular construction which utilizes any password-based client-server authentication method, with or without reliance on public-key infrastructure. The security of the proposed scheme is proven in a formal model that we formulate as an extension of the traditional PAKE model.We also report on a prototype implementation of our schemes, including TLS-based and PKI-free variants, as well as several instantiations of the SAS mechanism, all demonstrating the practicality of our approach.
Program Committees
- TCC 2016
- PKC 2014 (Program chair)
- Crypto 2012
- TCC 2011
- Asiacrypt 2007
- PKC 2007
- Crypto 2004
- Eurocrypt 2001
- Crypto 1998 (Program chair)
- Crypto 1995
- Boaz Barak (1)
- Mihir Bellare (2)
- Fabrice Benhamouda (3)
- John Black (1)
- Ran Canetti (6)
- David Cash (1)
- Don Coppersmith (1)
- Dana Dachman-Soled (1)
- Yevgeniy Dodis (2)
- Stefan Dziembowski (1)
- Rosario Gennaro (15)
- Craig Gentry (2)
- Oded Goldreich (3)
- Sergey Gorbunov (1)
- Yanqi Gu (2)
- Shai Halevi (8)
- Johan Håstad (1)
- Amir Herzberg (1)
- Julia Hesse (1)
- Stanislaw Jarecki (17)
- Charanjit S. Jutla (1)
- Jonathan Katz (1)
- Paweł Kędzior (1)
- Aggelos Kiayias (1)
- Hugo Krawczyk (55)
- Ted Krovetz (1)
- Chengyu Lin (1)
- Michael Luby (1)
- Yiping Ma (1)
- Bernardo Magri (1)
- Tal Malkin (1)
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- Christopher A. Wood (1)
- Jiayu Xu (3)
- Sophia Yakoubov (1)
- Yu Yu (1)
- Moti Yung (1)