Shai Halevi
SPRINT: High-Throughput Robust Distributed Schnorr Signatures
We describe robust high-throughput threshold protocols for generating Schnorr signatures in an asynchronous setting with potentially hundreds of parties. The protocols run a single message-independent interactive ephemeral randomness generation procedure (i.e., DKG) followed by \emph{non-interactive} signature generation for multiple messages, at a communication cost similar to one execution of a synchronous non-robust protocol in prior work (e.g., Gennaro et al.) and with a large number of parties (ranging from few tens to hundreds and more). Our protocols extend seamlessly to the dynamic/proactive setting where each run of the protocol uses a new committee with refreshed shares of the secret key; in particular, they support large committees periodically sampled from among the overall population of parties and the required secret state is transferred to the selected parties. The protocols work over a broadcast channel and are robust (provide guaranteed output delivery) even over asynchronous networks.
The combination of these features makes our protocols a good match for implementing a signature service over a public blockchain with many validators, where guaranteed output delivery is an absolute must. In that setting, there is a system-wide public key, where the corresponding secret signature key is distributed among the validators. Clients can submit messages (under suitable controls, e.g. smart contracts), and authorized messages are signed relative to the global public key.
Asymptotically, when running with committees of $n$ parties, our protocols can generate $\Omega(n^2)$ signatures per run, while providing resilience against $\Omega(n)$ corrupted nodes and broadcasting only $O(n^2)$ group elements and scalars (hence $O(1)$ elements per signature).
We prove the security of our protocols via a reduction to the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem in the random oracle model.
Achievable CCA2 Relaxation for Homomorphic Encryption
<jats:p>Homomorphic encryption () protects data in-use, but can be computationally expensive. To avoid the costly bootstrapping procedure that refreshes ciphertexts, some works have explored client-aided outsourcing protocols, where the client intermittently refreshes ciphertexts for a server that is performing homomorphic computations. But is this approach secure against malicious servers? We present a -secure encryption scheme that is completely insecure in this setting. We define a new notion of security, called , that we prove is sufficient. Additionally, we show:<jats:list list-type="bullet">
<jats:p>Homomorphic encryption schemes that have a certain type of circuit privacy—for example, schemes in which ciphertexts can be “sanitized"—are -secure.</jats:p>
<jats:p>In particular, assuming certain existing schemes are -secure, they are also -secure.</jats:p>
<jats:p>For certain encryption schemes, like Brakerski-Vaikuntanathan, that have a property that we call oblivious secret key extraction, -security implies circular security—i.e., that it is secure to provide an encryption of the secret key in a form usable for bootstrapping (to construct fully homomorphic encryption).</jats:p>
Additive Randomized Encodings and Their Applications
Addition of $n$ inputs is often the easiest nontrivial function to compute securely.
Motivated by several open questions, we ask what can be computed securely given only an oracle that computes the sum.
Namely, what functions can be computed in a model where parties can only encode their input locally, then sum up the encodings over some Abelian group $\G$, and decode the result to get the function output.
An {\em additive randomized encoding} (ARE) of a function $f(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ maps every input $x_i$ independently into a randomized encoding $\hat x_i$, such that $\sum_{i=1}^n$ $\hat x_i$ reveals $f(x_1,\ldots,x_n)$ and nothing else about the inputs.
In a {\em robust} ARE, the sum of {\em any subset} of the $\hat x_i$ only reveals the {\em residual function} obtained by restricting the corresponding inputs.
We obtain positive and negative results on ARE. In particular:
\item {\em Information-theoretic ARE.} We fully characterize the 2-party functions $f:X_1\times X_2\to\{0,1\}$ admitting a perfectly secure ARE. For $n\ge 3$ parties, we show a useful ``capped sum'' function that separates statistical security from perfect security.
\item {\em Computational ARE.} We present a general feasibility result, showing that \emph{all functions} can be computed in this model, under a standard hardness assumption in bilinear groups.
We also describe a heuristic lattice-based construction.
\item {\em Robust ARE.} We present a similar feasibility result for {\em robust} computational ARE based on ideal obfuscation along with standard cryptographic assumptions.
We then describe several applications of ARE and the above results.
\item Under a standard cryptographic assumption, our computational ARE schemes imply the feasibility of general non-interactive secure computation in the
{\em shuffle model}, where messages from different parties are shuffled. This implies a general utility-preserving compiler from differential privacy in the central model to computational differential privacy in the (non-robust) shuffle model.
The existence of information-theoretic {\em robust} ARE implies ``best-possible'' information-theoretic MPC protocols (Halevi et al., TCC 2018) and degree-2 multiparty randomized encodings (Applebaum et al., TCC 2018). This yields new positive results for specific functions in the former model, as well as a simple unifying barrier for obtaining negative results in both models.
Security with Functional Re-Encryption from CPA
The notion of functional re-encryption security (funcCPA) for public-key encryption schemes was recently introduced by Akavia et al. (TCC'22), in the context of homomorphic encryption.
This notion lies in between CPA security and CCA security: we give the attacker a *functional re-encryption oracle* instead of the decryption oracle of CCA security. This oracle takes a ciphertext ct and a function f, and returns fresh encryption of f applied to the decryption of ct; in symbols, ct'=Enc(f(Dec(ct))).
In this work we observe that funcCPA security may have applications beyond homomorphic encryption, and set out to study its properties. As our main contribution, we prove that
funcCPA is "closer to CPA than to CCA"; that is, funcCPA secure encryption can be constructed in a black-box manner from CPA-secure encryption. We stress that, prior to our work, this was not known even for regular re-encryption queries corresponding to identity function f.
At the core of our result is a new technique, showing how to handle *adaptive* functional re-encryption queries using tools previously developed in the context of non-malleable encryption, which roughly corresponds to a single *non-adaptive* parallel decryption query.
Practical Non-interactive Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing with Thousands of Parties
Non-interactive publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) schemes enables (re-)sharing of secrets in a decentralized setting in the presence of malicious parties.
A recently proposed application of PVSS schemes is to enable permissionless proof-of-stake blockchains to ``keep a secret" via a sequence of committees that share that secret.
These committees can use the secret to produce signatures on the blockchain's behalf, or to disclose hidden data conditioned on consensus that some event has occurred.
That application needs very large committees with thousands of parties, so the PVSS scheme in use must be efficient enough to support such large committees, in terms of both computation and communication.
Yet, previous PVSS schemes have large proofs and/or require many exponentiations over large groups.
We present a non-interactive PVSS scheme in which the underlying encryption scheme is based on the learning with errors (LWE) problem.
While lattice-based encryption schemes are very fast, they often have long ciphertexts and public keys.
We use the following two techniques to conserve bandwidth:
First, we adapt the Peikert-Vaikuntanathan-Waters (PVW) encryption scheme to the multi-receiver setting, so that the bulk of the parties' keys is a common random string.
The resulting scheme yields $\Omega(1)$ amortized plaintext/ciphertext rate, where concretely the rate is $\approx 1/60$ for 100 parties, $\approx 1/8$ for 1000 parties, and approaching 1/2 as the number of parties grows.
Second, we use bulletproofs over a DL-group of order about 256 bits to get compact proofs of correct encryption/decryption of shares.
Alternating between the lattice and DL settings is relatively painless, as we equate the LWE modulus with the order of the group. We also show how to reduce the the number of exponentiations in the bulletproofs by applying Johnson-Lindenstrauss-like compression to reduce the dimension of the vectors whose properties must be verified.
An implementation of our PVSS with 1000 parties showed that it is feasible even at that size, and should remain so even with one or two order of magnitude increase in the committee size.
Achievable CCA2 Relaxation for Homomorphic Encryption
Homomorphic encryption (HE) protects data in-use, but can be computationally expensive. To avoid the costly bootstrapping procedure that refreshes ciphertexts, some works have explored client-aided outsourcing protocols, where the client intermittently refreshes ciphertexts for a server that is performing homomorphic computations. But is this approach secure against malicious servers?
We present a CPA-secure encryption scheme that is completely insecure in this setting. We define a new notion of security, called \emph{funcCPA}, that we prove is sufficient. Additionally, we show:
- Homomorphic encryption schemes that have a certain type of circuit privacy -- for example, schemes in which ciphertexts can be ``sanitized" -- are funcCPA-secure.
- In particular, assuming certain existing HE schemes are CPA-secure, they are also funcCPA-secure.
- For certain encryption schemes, like Brakerski-Vaikuntanathan, that have a property that we call oblivious secret key extraction, funcCPA-security implies circular security -- i.e., that it is secure to provide an encryption of the secret key in a form usable for bootstrapping (to construct fully homomorphic encryption).
Namely, funcCPA-security lies strictly between CPA-security and CCA2-security (under reasonable assumptions), and has an interesting relationship with circular security, though it is not known to be equivalent.
Random-Index Oblivious RAM
We study the notion of {\em Random-index ORAM} (RORAM), which is a weak form of ORAM where the Client is limited to asking for random elements of the $N$-items memory rather than specific ones (and, possibly, modify them). That is, whenever the client issues a request, it gets in return a pair $(r,x_r)$ where $r\in_R[N]$ is a random index and $x_r$ is the content of the $r$-th memory item. Then, the client can also modify the content to some new value $x'_r$.
We first argue that for certain applications the limited functionality of RORAM still suffices. These include various applications of sampling (or sub-sampling), and in particular the very-large-scale MPC application in the setting of~ Benhamouda et al. \cite{BGG+20}. Clearly, RORAM can be implemented using any ORAM scheme (by the Client selecting the random $r$'s by himself), but the hope is that the limited functionality of RORAM can make it faster and easier to implement than ORAM. Indeed, our main contributions are several RORAM schemes (both of the hierarchical-type and the tree-type) of lighter complexity than that of ORAM.
Threshold Cryptography as a Service
Modern trends such as the outsourcing of computation to the cloud and recent advances in decentralized applications, particularly in the area of blockchains, are presenting new motivation and necessity to deploy threshold cryptography. While these techniques have been traditionally considered for a small set of parties, in this paper we are interested in larger deployments. Our focus is on a setting where a large distributed system or a set of servers provides cryptographic services to other applications by operating cryptographic functions in a shared way, and with threshold security.
We develop efficient and scalable building blocks for Threshold Cryptography as a Service, that enable central tasks such as distributed key generation, threshold signatures and encryption, proactive refreshing of key shares, custodial services, etc. Our solutions apply both in a traditional setting with dedicated servers, as well as in a fully decentralized architecture such as a public blockchain.
The underlying design is for a functionality we call MultiVSS, which runs multiple concurrent Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS) executions on a multiplicity of secrets input by the different protocol participants. Using batching and other techniques we achieve a reduction in the cost of processing multiple secrets by a factor of $n$, the number of parties in the system. Even for a moderate number of servers the performance gain is significant and it becomes crucial for operations involving a large number of servers as in some of our applications. Consequently, we achieve scalability to large sets of participants which, in the case of blockchains, can rise to hundreds or even thousands of nodes with each node sharing a large number of secrets in tandem.
We implement and show the practicality of the system for possibly millions of clients, as in the case of custodial services, and any number (small or large) of servers. Our solution supports additional features such as packing of secrets, dynamic server allocation and dishonest majorities. We further apply these constructions to the newly introduced YOSO model.
MPC-Friendly Symmetric Cryptography from Alternating Moduli: Candidates, Protocols, and Applications
We study new candidates for symmetric cryptographic primitives that leverage alternation between linear functions over $\mathbb{Z}_2$ and $\mathbb{Z}_3$ to support fast protocols for secure multiparty computation (MPC). This continues the study of weak pseudorandom functions of this kind initiated by Boneh et al. (TCC 2018) and Cheon et al. (PKC 2021).
We make the following contributions.
(Candidates). We propose new designs of symmetric primitives based on alternating moduli. These include candidate one-way functions, pseudorandom generators, and weak pseudorandom functions. We propose concrete parameters based on cryptanalysis.
(Protocols). We provide a unified approach for securely evaluating modulus-alternating primitives in different MPC models. For the original candidate of Boneh et al., our protocols obtain at least 2x improvement in all performance measures. We report efficiency benchmarks of an optimized implementation.
(Applications). We showcase the usefulness of our candidates for a variety of applications. This includes short ``Picnic-style'' signature schemes, as well as protocols for oblivious pseudorandom functions, hierarchical key derivation, and distributed key generation for function secret sharing.
You Only Speak Once: Secure MPC with Stateless Ephemeral Roles
The inherent difficulty of maintaining stateful environments over long periods of time gave rise to the paradigm of serverless computing, where mostly-stateless components are deployed on demand to handle computation tasks, and are teared down once their task is complete. Serverless architecture could offer the added benefit of improved resistance to targeted denial-of-service attacks, by hiding from the attacker the physical machines involved in the protocol until after they complete their work. Realizing such protection, however, requires that the protocol only uses stateless parties, where each party sends only one message and never needs to speaks again. Perhaps the most famous example of this style of protocols is the Nakamoto consensus protocol used in Bitcoin: A peer can win the right to produce the next block by running a local lottery (mining), all while staying covert. Once the right has been won, it is executed by sending a single message. After that, the physical entity never needs to send more messages.
We refer to this as the You-Only-Speak-Once (YOSO) property, and initiate the formal study of it within a new model that we call the YOSO model. Our model is centered around the notion of roles, which are stateless parties that can only send a single message. Crucially, our modelling separates the protocol design, that only uses roles, from the role-assignment mechanism, that assigns roles to actual physical entities. This separation enables studying these two aspects separately, and our YOSO model in this work only deals with the protocol-design aspect.
We describe several techniques for achieving YOSO MPC; both computational and information theoretic. Our protocols are synchronous and provide guaranteed output delivery (which is important for application domains such as blockchains), assuming honest majority of roles in every time step. We describe a practically efficient computationally-secure protocol, as well as a proof-of-concept information theoretically secure protocol.
Random-Index PIR and Applications
Private information retrieval (PIR) lets a client retrieve an entry from a database without the server learning which entry was retrieved. Here we study a weaker variant that we call random-index PIR (RPIR), where the retrieved index is an output rather than an input of the protocol, and is chosen at random. RPIR is clearly weaker than PIR, but it suffices for some interesting applications and may be realized more efficiently than full-blown PIR.
We report here on two lines of work, both tied to RPIR but otherwise largely unrelated. The first line of work studies RPIR as a primitive on its own. Perhaps surprisingly, we show that RPIR is in fact equivalent to PIR when there are no restrictions on the number of communication rounds. On the other hand, RPIR can be implemented in a “noninteractive” setting (with preprocessing), which is clearly impossible for PIR. For two-server RPIR we show a truly noninteractive solution, offering information-theoretic security without any pre-processing.
The other line of work, which was the original motivation for our work, uses RPIR to improve on the recent work of Benhamouda et al. (TCC’20) for maintaining secret values on public blockchains. Their solution depends on a method for selecting many random public keys from a PKI while hiding most of the selected keys from an adversary. However, the method they proposed is vulnerable to a double-dipping attack, limiting its resilience. Here we observe that an RPIR protocol, where the client is implemented via secure MPC, can eliminate that vulnerability. We thus get a secrets-on-blockchain protocol (and more generally large-scale MPC), resilient to any fraction f < 1/2 of corrupted parties, resolving the main open problem left from the work of Benhamouda et al.
As the client in this solution is implemented via secure MPC, it really brings home the need to make it as efficient as possible. We thus strive to explore whatever efficiency gains we can get by using RPIR rather than PIR. We achieve more gains by using batch RPIR where multiple indexes are retrieved at once. Lastly, we observe that this application can make do with a weaker security guarantee than full RPIR, and show that this weaker variant can be realized even more efficiently. We discuss one protocol in particular, that may be attractive for practical implementations.
Generalized Pseudorandom Secret Sharing and Efficient Straggler-Resilient Secure Computation
Secure multiparty computation (MPC) enables $n$ parties, of which up to $t$ may be corrupted, to perform joint computations on their private inputs while revealing only the outputs. Optimizing the asymptotic and concrete costs of MPC protocols has become an important line of research. Much of this research focuses on the setting of an honest majority, where $n \ge 2t+1$, which gives rise to concretely efficient protocols that are either information-theoretic or make a black-box use of symmetric cryptography. Efficiency can be further improved in the case of a {\em strong} honest majority, where $n>2t+1$.
Motivated by the goal of minimizing the communication and latency costs of MPC with a strong honest majority, we make two related contributions.
\item {\bf Generalized pseudorandom secret sharing (PRSS).}
Linear correlations serve as an important resource for MPC protocols and beyond. PRSS enables secure generation of many pseudorandom instances of such correlations without interaction, given replicated seeds of a pseudorandom function.
We extend the PRSS technique of Cramer et al.\ (TCC 2015) for sharing degree-$d$ polynomials to new constructions leveraging a particular class of combinatorial designs. Our constructions yield a dramatic efficiency improvement when the degree $d$ is higher than the security threshold $t$, not only for standard degree-$d$ correlations but also for several useful generalizations. In particular, correlations for locally converting between slot configurations in ``share packing'' enable us to avoid the concrete overhead of prior works.
\item {\bf Cheap straggler resilience.}
In reality, communication is not fully synchronous: protocol executions suffer from variance in communication delays and occasional node or message-delivery failures. We explore the benefits of PRSS-based MPC with a strong honest majority toward robustness against such failures, in turn yielding improved latency delays. In doing so we develop a novel technique for defending against a subtle ``double-dipping'' attack, which applies to the best existing protocols, with almost no extra cost in communication or rounds.
Combining the above tools requires further work, including new methods for batch verification via distributed zero-knowledge proofs (Boneh et al., CRYPTO 2019) that apply to packed secret sharing.
Overall, our work demonstrates new advantages of the strong honest majority setting, and introduces new tools---in particular, generalized PRSS---that we believe will be of independent use within other cryptographic applications.
Round-Optimal Secure Multi-party Computation
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a central cryptographic task that allows a set of mutually distrustful parties to jointly compute some function of their private inputs where security should hold in the presence of an active (i.e. malicious) adversary that can corrupt any number of parties. Despite extensive research, the precise round complexity of this “standard-bearer” cryptographic primitive, under polynomial-time hardness assumptions, is unknown. Recently, Garg, Mukherjee, Pandey and Polychroniadou, in Eurocrypt 2016 demonstrated that the round complexity of any MPC protocol relying on black-box proofs of security in the plain model must be at least four. Following this work, independently Ananth, Choudhuri and Jain, CRYPTO 2017 and Brakerski, Halevi, and Polychroniadou, TCC 2017 made progress towards solving this question and constructed four-round protocols based on the DDH and LWE assumptions, respectively, albeit with super-polynomial hardness. More recently, Ciampi, Ostrovsky, Siniscalchi and Visconti in TCC 2017 closed the gap for two-party protocols by constructing a four-round protocol from polynomial-time assumptions, concretely, trapdoor permutations. In another work, Ciampi, Ostrovsky, Siniscalchi and Visconti TCC 2017 showed how to design a four-round multi-party protocol for the specific case of multi-party coin-tossing based on one-way functions. In this work, we resolve this question by designing a four-round actively secure multi-party (two or more parties) protocol for general functionalities under standard polynomial-time hardness assumptions with a black-box proof of security, specifically, under the assumptions LWE, DDH, QR and DCR.
Bootstrapping for HElib
Gentry’s bootstrapping technique is still the only known method of obtaining fully homomorphic encryption where the system’s parameters do not depend on the complexity of the evaluated functions. Bootstrapping involves a recryption procedure where the scheme’s decryption algorithm is evaluated homomorphically. Prior to this work, there were very few implementations of recryption and fewer still that can handle “packed ciphertexts” that encrypt vectors of elements. In the current work, we report on an implementation of recryption of fully packed ciphertexts using the HElib library for somewhat homomorphic encryption. This implementation required extending previous recryption algorithms from the literature, as well as many aspects of the HElib library. Our implementation supports bootstrapping of packed ciphertexts over many extension fields/rings. One example that we tested involves ciphertexts that encrypt vectors of 1024 elements from $${\text {GF}}(2^{16})$$ GF ( 2 16 ) . In that setting, the recryption procedure takes under 3 min (at security level $$\approx 80$$ ≈ 80 ) on a single core and allows a multiplicative depth-11 computation before the next recryption is needed. This report updates the results that we reported in Eurocrypt 2015 in several ways. Most importantly, it includes a much more robust method for deriving the parameters, ensuring that recryption errors only occur with negligible probability. Many aspects of this analysis are proved, and for the few well-specified heuristics that we made, we report on thorough experimentation to validate them. The procedure that we describe here is also significantly more efficient than in the previous version, incorporating many optimizations that were reported elsewhere (such as more efficient linear transformations) and adding a few new ones. Finally, our implementation now also incorporates Chen and Han’s techniques from Eurocrypt 2018 for more efficient digit extraction (for some parameters), as well as for “thin bootstrapping” when the ciphertext is only sparsely packed.
Can a Blockchain Keep a Secret?
Blockchains are gaining traction and acceptance, not just for cryptocurrencies, but increasingly as an architecture for distributed computing.
In this work we seek solutions that allow a \emph{public} blockchain to act as a trusted long-term repository of secret information:
Our goal is to deposit a secret with the blockchain, specify how it is to be used (e.g., the conditions under which it is released), and have the blockchain keep the secret and use it only in the specified manner (e.g., release only it once the conditions are met).
This simple functionality enables many powerful applications, including signing statements on behalf of the blockchain, using it as the control plane for a storage system, performing decentralized program-obfuscation-as-a-service, and many more.
Using proactive secret sharing techniques, we present a scalable solution for implementing this functionality on a public blockchain, in the presence of a mobile adversary controlling a small minority of the participants.
The main challenge is that, on the one hand, scalability requires that we use small committees to represent the entire system, but, on the other hand, a mobile adversary may be able to corrupt the entire committee if it is small.
For this reason, existing proactive secret sharing solutions are either non-scalable or insecure in our setting.
We approach this challenge via "player replaceability", which ensures the committee is anonymous until after it performs its actions.
Our main technical contribution is a system that allows sharing and re-sharing of secrets among the members of small dynamic committees, without knowing who they are until after they perform their actions and erase their secrets. Our solution handles a fully mobile adversary corrupting roughly 1/4 of the participants at any time, and is scalable in terms of both the number of parties and the number of time intervals.
On Fully Secure MPC with Solitary Output
We study the possibility of achieving full security, with guaranteed output delivery, for secure multiparty computation of functionalities where only one party receives output, to which we refer as solitary functionalities. In the standard setting where all parties receive an output, full security typically requires an honest majority; otherwise even just achieving fairness is impossible. However, for solitary functionalities, fairness is clearly not an issue. This raises the following question: Is full security with no honest majority possible for all solitary functionalities?We give a negative answer to this question, by showing the existence of solitary functionalities that cannot be computed with full security. While such a result cannot be proved using fairness-based arguments, our proof builds on the classical proof technique of Cleve (STOC 1986) for ruling out fair coin-tossing and extends it in a nontrivial way.On the positive side, we show that full security against any number of malicious parties is achievable for many natural and useful solitary functionalities, including ones for which the multi-output version cannot be realized with full security.
Compressible FHE with Applications to PIR
Homomorphic encryption (HE) is often viewed as impractical, both in communication and computation. Here we provide an additively homomorphic encryption scheme based on (ring) LWE with nearly optimal rate ($$1-\epsilon $$ for any $$\epsilon >0$$). Moreover, we describe how to compress many Gentry-Sahai-Waters (GSW) ciphertexts (e.g., ciphertexts that may have come from a homomorphic evaluation) into (fewer) high-rate ciphertexts.Using our high-rate HE scheme, we are able for the first time to describe a single-server private information retrieval (PIR) scheme with sufficiently low computational overhead so as to be practical for large databases. Single-server PIR inherently requires the server to perform at least one bit operation per database bit, and we describe a rate-(4/9) scheme with computation which is not so much worse than this inherent lower bound. In fact it is probably less than whole-database AES encryption – specifically about 2.3 mod-q multiplication per database byte, where q is about 50 to 60 bits. Asymptotically, the computational overhead of our PIR scheme is $$\tilde{O}(\log \log \mathsf {\lambda }+ \log \log \log N)$$, where $$\mathsf {\lambda }$$ is the security parameter and N is the number of database files, which are assumed to be sufficiently large.
Homomorphic Encryption for Finite Automata
We describe a somewhat homomorphic GSW-like encryption scheme, natively encrypting matrices rather than just single elements. This scheme offers much better performance than existing homomorphic encryption schemes for evaluating encrypted (nondeterministic) finite automata (NFAs). Differently from GSW, we do not know how to reduce the security of this scheme from LWE, instead we reduce it from a stronger assumption, that can be thought of as an inhomogeneous variant of the NTRU assumption. This assumption (that we term iNTRU) may be useful and interesting in its own right, and we examine a few of its properties. We also examine methods to encode regular expressions as NFAs, and in particular explore a new optimization problem, motivated by our application to encrypted NFA evaluation. In this problem, we seek to minimize the number of states in an NFA for a given expression, subject to the constraint on the ambiguity of the NFA.
Round-Optimal Secure Multi-Party Computation
Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a central cryptographic task that allows a set of mutually distrustful parties to jointly compute some function of their private inputs where security should hold in the presence of a malicious adversary that can corrupt any number of parties. Despite extensive research, the precise round complexity of this “standard-bearer” cryptographic primitive is unknown. Recently, Garg, Mukherjee, Pandey and Polychroniadou, in EUROCRYPT 2016 demonstrated that the round complexity of any MPC protocol relying on black-box proofs of security in the plain model must be at least four. Following this work, independently Ananth, Choudhuri and Jain, CRYPTO 2017 and Brakerski, Halevi, and Polychroniadou, TCC 2017 made progress towards solving this question and constructed four-round protocols based on non-polynomial time assumptions. More recently, Ciampi, Ostrovsky, Siniscalchi and Visconti in TCC 2017 closed the gap for two-party protocols by constructing a four-round protocol from polynomial-time assumptions. In another work, Ciampi, Ostrovsky, Siniscalchi and Visconti TCC 2017 showed how to design a four-round multi-party protocol for the specific case of multi-party coin-tossing.In this work, we resolve this question by designing a four-round actively secure multi-party (two or more parties) protocol for general functionalities under standard polynomial-time hardness assumptions with a black-box proof of security.
Faster Homomorphic Linear Transformations in HElib
HElib is a software library that implements homomorphic encryption (HE), with a focus on effective use of “packed” ciphertexts. An important operation is applying a known linear map to a vector of encrypted data. In this paper, we describe several algorithmic improvements that significantly speed up this operation: in our experiments, our new algorithms are 30–75 times faster than those previously implemented in HElib for typical parameters.One application that can benefit from faster linear transformations is bootstrapping (in particular, “thin bootstrapping” as described in [Chen and Han, Eurocrypt 2018]). In some settings, our new algorithms for linear transformations result in a $$6{\times }$$6× speedup for the entire thin bootstrapping operation.Our techniques also reduce the size of the large public evaluation key, often using 33%–50% less space than the previous HElib implementation. We also implemented a new tradeoff that enables a drastic reduction in size, resulting in a $$25{\times }$$25× factor or more for some parameters, paying only a penalty of a 2–$$4{\times }$$4× times slowdown in running time (and giving up some parallelization opportunities).
Best Possible Information-Theoretic MPC
We reconsider the security guarantee that can be achieved by general protocols for secure multiparty computation in the most basic of settings: information-theoretic security against a semi-honest adversary. Since the 1980s, we have elegant solutions to this problem that offer full security, as long as the adversary controls a minority of the parties, but fail completely when that threshold is crossed. In this work, we revisit this problem, questioning the optimality of the standard notion of security. We put forward a new notion of information-theoretic security which is strictly stronger than the standard one, and which we argue to be “best possible.” This notion still requires full security against dishonest minority in the usual sense, and adds a meaningful notion of information-theoretic security even against dishonest majority.We present protocols for useful classes of functions that satisfy this new notion of security. Our protocols have the unique feature of combining the efficiency benefits of protocols for an honest majority and (most of) the security benefits of protocols for dishonest majority. We further extend some of the solutions to the malicious setting.
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- Shweta Agrawal (1)
- Adi Akavia (2)
- Mihir Bellare (1)
- Fabrice Benhamouda (4)
- Nir Bitansky (2)
- John Black (1)
- Dan Boneh (3)
- Elette Boyle (1)
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- Craig Gentry (28)
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- Shai Halevi (86)
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- Yuval Ishai (6)
- Abhishek Jain (1)
- Charanjit S. Jutla (3)
- Yael Tauman Kalai (1)
- Jonathan Katz (5)
- Mahimna Kelkar (1)
- Ilan Komargodski (1)
- Hugo Krawczyk (9)
- Ted Krovetz (1)
- Eyal Kushilevitz (5)
- Tancrède Lepoint (1)
- Baiyu Li (1)
- Chengyu Lin (1)
- Huijia Lin (1)
- Yehuda Lindell (2)
- Steve Lu (1)
- Vadim Lyubashevsky (1)
- Yiping Ma (1)
- Philip D. MacKenzie (1)
- Bernardo Magri (2)
- Hemanta K. Maji (1)
- Nikolaos Makriyannis (1)
- Alex Miao (1)
- Silvio Micali (1)
- Daniele Micciancio (1)
- Eric Miles (1)
- Steven Myers (1)
- David Naccache (1)
- Jesper Buus Nielsen (2)
- Valeria Nikolaenko (1)
- Ariel Nof (1)
- Rafail Ostrovsky (2)
- Benny Pinkas (1)
- Antigoni Polychroniadou (3)
- Tal Rabin (11)
- Charles Rackoff (1)
- Mariana Raykova (3)
- Leonid Reyzin (1)
- Phillip Rogaway (2)
- Ron D. Rothblum (1)
- Guy N. Rothblum (1)
- Amit Sahai (6)
- Gil Segev (1)
- Vivek Sharma (1)
- Victor Shoup (4)
- Nigel P. Smart (3)
- Michael Steiner (2)
- Julien P. Stern (1)
- Mehdi Tibouchi (1)
- Salil P. Vadhan (1)
- Vinod Vaikuntanathan (4)
- Margarita Vald (2)
- Marten van Dijk (1)
- Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam (2)
- Dhinakaran Vinayagamurthy (1)
- Brent Waters (1)
- Daniel Wichs (4)
- Sophia Yakoubov (2)
- Eylon Yogev (1)
- Greg Zaverucha (1)
- Mark Zhandry (1)