Vinod Vaikuntanathan
ORCID: 0000-0002-2666-0045
Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption from Linear Homomorphism and Sparse LPN
We construct somewhat homomorphic encryption from the sparse learning-parities-with-noise problem, along with an assumption that implies linearly homomorphic encryption (e.g., the decisional Diffie-Hellman or decisional composite residuosity assumptions). Our resulting schemes support an a-priori bounded number of homomorphic operations: O(log \lambda/ log log \lambda) multiplications followed by poly(\lambda) additions, where \lambda \in \N is a security parameter. These schemes have compact ciphertexts: before and after homomorphic evaluation, the bit length of each ciphertext is a fixed polynomial in the security parameter \lambda, independent of the number of homomorphic operations that the scheme supports. This gives the first constructions of somewhat homomorphic encryption that can evaluate the class of bounded-degree polynomials without relying on lattice assumptions or bilinear maps.
Our new encryption schemes are conceptually simple: much as in Gentry, Sahai, and Waters’ fully homomorphic encryption scheme, ciphertexts in our scheme are matrices, homomorphic addition is matrix addition, and homomorphic multiplication is matrix multiplication. Moreover, when encrypting many messages at once and performing many homomorphic evaluations at once, the bit length of the ciphertexts in (some of) our schemes can be made arbitrarily close to the bit length of the plaintexts. The main limitation of our schemes is that they require a large evaluation key, whose size scales with the complexity of the homomorphic computation performed, though this key can be re-used across any polynomial number of encryptions and evaluations.
SoK: Learning With Errors, Circular Security, and Fully Homomorphic Encryption
All known constructions of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) schemes from the learning with errors (LWE) assumption require the encryption schemes to be circular secure.
A long-standing open problem in the study of FHE schemes is to demonstrate evidence for their circular security. In this work, we systematize the flavors of circular security required for a number of FHE constructions, formulate circular security conjectures, show search-to-decision reductions for them, and pose several open problems.
Space-Efficient and Noise-Robust Quantum Factoring
We provide two improvements to Regev's recent quantum factoring algorithm (arXiv:2308.06572), addressing its space efficiency and its noise-tolerance.
Our first contribution is to improve the quantum space efficiency of Regev's algorithm while keeping the circuit size the same. Our main result constructs a quantum factoring circuit using $O(n \log n)$ qubits and $O(n^{3/2} \log n)$ gates. We achieve the best of Shor and Regev (upto a logarithmic factor in the space complexity): on the one hand, Regev's circuit requires $O(n^{3/2})$ qubits and $O(n^{3/2} \log n)$ gates, while Shor's circuit requires $O(n^2 \log n)$ gates but only $O(n)$ qubits. As with Regev, to factor an $n$-bit integer $N$, we run our circuit independently $\approx \sqrt{n}$ times and apply Regev's classical postprocessing procedure.
Our optimization is achieved by implementing efficient and reversible exponentiation with Fibonacci numbers in the exponent, rather than the usual powers of 2, adapting work by Kaliski (arXiv:1711.02491) from the classical reversible setting to the quantum setting. This technique also allows us to perform quantum modular exponentiation that is efficient in both space and size without requiring significant precomputation, a result that may be useful for other quantum algorithms. A key ingredient of our exponentiation implementation is an efficient circuit for a function resembling \emph{in-place} quantum-quantum modular multiplication. This implementation works with only black-box access to any quantum circuit for \emph{out-of-place} modular multiplication, which we believe is yet another result of potentially broader interest.
Our second contribution is to show that Regev's classical postprocessing procedure can be modified to tolerate a constant fraction of the quantum circuit runs being corrupted by errors. In contrast, Regev's analysis of his classical postprocessing procedure requires all $\approx \sqrt{n}$ runs to be successful. In a nutshell, we achieve this using lattice reduction techniques to detect and filter out corrupt samples.
How to Construct Quantum FHE, Generically
We construct a (compact) quantum fully homomorphic encryption (QFHE) scheme starting from {\em any} (classical) fully homomorphic encryption scheme (with decryption in $\mathsf{NC}^{1}$) together with a dual-mode trapdoor claw-free function family. Compared to previous constructions (Mahadev, FOCS 2018; Brakerski, CRYPTO 2018) which made non-black-box use of similar underlying primitives, our construction provides a pathway to instantiations from different assumptions. Our construction uses the techniques of Dulek, Schaffner and Speelman (CRYPTO 2016) and shows how to make the client in their QFHE scheme classical using claw-free trapdoor functions. As an additional contribution, we show a new instantiation of dual-mode trapdoor claw-free functions from group actions.
Adaptively Sound Zero Knowledge SNARKs for UP
We study succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) and succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (SNARKs) for the class $\mathsf{UP}$ in the reusable designated verifier model. $\mathsf{UP}$ is an expressive subclass of $\mathsf{NP}$ consisting of all $\mathsf{NP}$ languages where each instance has at most one witness; a designated verifier SNARG (dvSNARG) is one where verification of the SNARG proof requires a private verification key; and such a dvSNARG is reusable if soundness holds even against a malicious prover with oracle access to the (private) verification algorithm.
Our main results are as follows.
(1) A reusably and adaptively sound zero-knowledge (zk) dvSNARG for $\mathsf{UP}$, from subexponential LWE and evasive LWE (a relatively new but popular variant of LWE). Our SNARGs achieve very short proofs of length $(1 + o(1)) \cdot \lambda$ bits for $2^{-\lambda}$ soundness error.
(2) A generic transformation that lifts any ``Sahai-Waters-like'' (zk) SNARG to an adaptively sound (zk) SNARG, in the \emph{designated-verifier} setting. In particular, this shows that the Sahai-Waters SNARG for $\mathsf{NP}$ is adaptively sound in the designated verifier setting, assuming subexponential hardness of the underlying assumptions. The resulting SNARG proofs have length $(1 + o(1)) \cdot \lambda$ bits for $2^{-\lambda}$ soundness error. Our result sidesteps the Gentry-Wichs barrier for adaptive soundness by employing an exponential-time security reduction.
(3) A generic transformation that lifts any adaptively sound (zk) SNARG for $\mathsf{UP}$ to an adaptively sound (zk) SNARK for $\mathsf{UP}$, while preserving zero-knowledge. The resulting SNARK achieves the strong notion of black-box extraction. There are barriers to achieving such SNARKs for all of $\mathsf{NP}$ from falsifiable assumptions, so our restriction to $\mathsf{UP}$ is, in a sense, necessary.
Applying (3) to our SNARG for $\mathsf{UP}$ from evasive LWE (1), we obtain a reusably and adaptively sound designated-verifier zero-knowledge SNARK for $\mathsf{UP}$ from subexponential LWE and evasive LWE. Moreover, applying both (2) and (3) to the Sahai-Waters SNARG, we obtain the same result from LWE, subexponentially secure one-way functions, and subexponentially secure indistinguishability obfuscation. Both constructions have succinct proofs of size $\mathsf{poly}(\secp).$ These are the first SNARK constructions (even in the designated-verifier setting) for a non-trivial subset of $\mathsf{NP}$ from (sub-exponentially) falsifiable assumptions.
Sparse Linear Regression and Lattice Problems
Sparse linear regression (SLR) is a well-studied problem in statistics where one is given a design matrix $\mathbf{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{m \times n}$ and a response vector $\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{X} \boldsymbol{\theta}^* + \mathbf{w}$ for a $k$-sparse vector $\boldsymbol{\theta}^*$ (that is, $\|\boldsymbol{\theta}^*\|_0 \leq k$) and small, arbitrary noise $\mathbf{w}$, and the goal is to find a $k$-sparse $\widehat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$ that minimizes the mean squared prediction error $\frac{1}{m} \|\mathbf{X} \widehat{\boldsymbol{\theta}} - \mathbf{X} \boldsymbol{\theta}^*\|^2_2$. While $\ell_1$-relaxation methods such as basis pursuit, Lasso, and the Dantzig selector solve SLR when the design matrix is well-conditioned, no general algorithm is known, nor is there any formal evidence of hardness in an average-case setting with respect to all efficient algorithms.
We give evidence of average-case hardness of SLR w.r.t. all efficient algorithms assuming the worst-case hardness of lattice problems. Specifically, we give an instance-by-instance reduction from a variant of the bounded distance decoding (BDD) problem on lattices to SLR, where the condition number of the lattice basis that defines the BDD instance is directly related to the restricted eigenvalue condition of the design matrix, which characterizes some of the classical statistical-computational gaps for sparse linear regression. Also, by appealing to worst-case to average-case reductions from the world of lattices, this shows hardness for a distribution of SLR instances; while the design matrices are ill-conditioned, the resulting SLR instances are in the identifiable regime.
Furthermore, for well-conditioned (essentially) isotropic Gaussian design matrices, where Lasso is known to behave well in the identifiable regime, we show hardness of outputting any good solution in the unidentifiable regime where there are many solutions, assuming the worst-case hardness of standard and well-studied lattice problems.
Indistinguishability Obfuscation from Bilinear Maps and LPN Variants
We construct an indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) scheme from the sub-exponential hardness of the decisional linear problem on bilinear maps together with two variants of the learning parity with noise (LPN) problem, namely large-field LPN and (binary-field) sparse LPN. This removes the need to assume the existence of polynomial-stretch PRGs in $\mathsf{NC}^0$ from the state-of-the-art construction of IO (Jain, Lin, and Sahai, EUROCRYPT 2022). As an intermediate step in our construction, we abstract away a notion of structured-seed polynomial-stretch PRGs in $\mathsf{NC}^0$ which is implied by both sparse LPN and the existence of polynomial-stretch PRGs in $\mathsf{NC}^0$.
As immediate applications, from the sub-exponential hardness of the decisional linear assumption on bilinear groups, large-field LPN, and sparse LPN, we get alternative constructions of (a) FHE without lattices or circular security assumptions (Canetti, Lin, Tessaro, and Vaikuntanathan, TCC 2015), and (b) perfect zero-knowledge adaptively-sound Succinct Non-interactive Arguments (SNARGs) for NP (Waters and Wu, STOC 2024).
Efficient Maliciously Secure Oblivious Exponentiations
<p> Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRFs) allow a client to evaluate a pseudorandom function (PRF) on her secret input based on a key that is held by a server. In the process, the client only learns the PRF output but not the key, while the server neither learns the input nor the output of the client. The arguably most popular OPRF is due to Naor, Pinkas and Reingold (Eurocrypt 2009). It is based on an Oblivious Exponentiation by the server, with passive security under the Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption. In this work, we strengthen the security guarantees of the NPR OPRF by protecting it against active attacks of the server. We have implemented our solution and report on the performance. Our main result is a new batch OPRF protocol which is secure against maliciously corrupted servers, but is essentially as efficient as the semi-honest solution. More precisely, the computation (and communication) overhead is a multiplicative factor $o(1)$ as the batch size increases. The obvious solution using zero-knowledge proofs would have a constant factor overhead at best, which can be too expensive for certain deployments. Our protocol relies on a novel version of the DDH problem, which we call the Oblivious Exponentiation Problem (OEP), and we give evidence for its hardness in the Generic Group model. We also present a variant of our maliciously secure protocol that does not rely on the OEP but nevertheless only has overhead $o(1)$ over the known semi-honest protocol. Moreover, we show that our techniques can also be used to efficiently protect threshold blind BLS signing and threshold ElGamal decryption against malicious attackers. </p>
SNARGs and PPAD Hardness from the Decisional Diffie-Hellman Assumption
We construct succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) for bounded-depth computations assuming that the decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) problem is sub-exponentially hard. This is the first construction of such SNARGs from a Diffie-Hellman assumption. Our SNARG is also unambiguous: for every (true) statement x, it is computationally hard to find any accepting proof for x other than the proof produced by the prescribed prover strategy.
We obtain our result by showing how to instantiate the Fiat-Shamir heuristic, under DDH, for a variant of the Goldwasser-Kalai-Rothblum (GKR) interactive proof system. Our new technical contributions are (1) giving a TC0 circuit family for finding roots of cubic polynomials over a special family of characteristic 2 fields (Healy-Viola, STACS 2006) and (2) constructing a variant of the GKR protocol whose invocations of the sumcheck protocol (Lund-Fortnow-Karloff-Nisan, STOC 1990) only involve degree 3 polynomials over said fields.
Along the way, since we can instantiate Fiat-Shamir for certain variants of the sumcheck protocol, we also show the existence of (sub-exponentially) computationally hard problems in the complexity class PPAD, assuming the sub-exponential hardness of DDH. Previous PPAD hardness results all required either bilinear maps or the learning with errors assumption.
Layout Graphs, Random Walks and the $t$-wise Independence of SPN Block Ciphers
We continue the study of $t$-wise independence of substitution-permutation networks (SPNs) initiated by the recent work of Liu, Tessaro, and Vaikuntanathan (CRYPTO 2021).
Our key technical result shows that when the S-boxes are {\em randomly and independently chosen}, as well as secret, an $r$-round SPN with input length $n = b \cdot k$ is $2^{-\Theta(n)}$-close to $t$-wise independent within $r = O(\min\{k, \log t\})$ rounds for any $t$ almost as large as $2^{b/2}$. Here, $b$ is the input length of the S-box and the result assumes that the underlying mixing achieves maximum branch number. We also analyze the special case of AES parameters (with random S-boxes), and show it is $2^{-128}$-close to pairwise independent in $7$ rounds. Central to our result is the analysis of a random walk on what we call the {\em layout graph}, a combinatorial abstraction that captures equality and inequality constraints among multiple SPN evaluations.
We use our technical result to show concrete security bounds for SPNs with actual block cipher parameters and {\em small-input $S$-boxes}. (This is in contrast to the large body of results on ideal-model analyses of SPNs.) For example, for the censored-AES block cipher, namely AES with most of the mixing layers removed, we show that 192 rounds suffice to attain $2^{-128}$-closeness to pairwise independence. The prior such result for AES (Liu, Tessaro and Vaikuntanathan, CRYPTO 2021) required more than 9000 rounds.
Revocable Cryptography from Learning with Errors
Quantum cryptography leverages many unique features of quantum information in order to
construct cryptographic primitives that are oftentimes impossible classically. In this work, we
build on the no-cloning principle of quantum mechanics and design cryptographic schemes with
key-revocation capabilities. We consider schemes where secret keys are represented as quantum
states with the guarantee that, once the secret key is successfully revoked from a user, they no
longer have the ability to perform the same functionality as before.
We define and construct several fundamental cryptographic primitives with key-revocation
capabilities, namely pseudorandom functions, secret-key and public-key encryption, and even
fully homomorphic encryption. Our constructions either assume the quantum subexponential
hardness of the learning with errors problem or are based on new conjectures. Central to all our
constructions is our approach for making the Dual-Regev encryption scheme (Gentry, Peikert
and Vaikuntanathan, STOC 2008) revocable.
Asymptotically Quasi-Optimal Cryptography
The question of minimizing the {\em computational overhead} of cryptography was put forward by the work of Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky and Sahai (STOC 2008). The main conclusion was that, under plausible assumptions, most cryptographic primitives can be realized with {\em constant} computational overhead. However, this ignores an additive term that may depend polynomially on the (concrete) computational security parameter $\lambda$. In this work, we study the question of obtaining optimal efficiency, up to polylogarithmic factors, for {\em all} choices of $n$ and $\lambda$, where $n$ is the size of the given task. In particular, when $n=\lambda$, we would like the computational cost to be only $\tilde O(\lambda)$. We refer to this goal as {\em asymptotically quasi-optimal} (AQO) cryptography.
We start by realizing the first AQO semi-honest batch oblivious linear evaluation (BOLE) protocol. Our protocol applies to OLE over small fields and relies on the near-exponential security of the ring learning with errors (RLWE) assumption.
Building on the above and on known constructions of AQO PCPs, we design the first AQO zero-knowledge (ZK) argument system for Boolean circuit satisfiability. Our construction combines a new AQO ZK-PCP construction that respects the AQO property of the underlying PCP along with a technique for converting statistical secrecy into soundness via OLE reversal. Finally, combining the above results, we get AQO secure computation protocols for Boolean circuits with security against malicious parties under RLWE.
Succinct Classical Verification of Quantum Computation
We construct a classically verifiable succinct interactive argument for quantum computation (BQP) with communication complexity and verifier runtime that are poly-logarithmic in the runtime of the BQP computation (and polynomial in the security parameter). Our protocol is secure assuming the post-quantum security of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) and Learning with Errors (LWE). This is the first succinct argument for quantum computation in the plain model; prior work (Chia-Chung-Yamakawa, TCC ’20) requires both a long common reference string and non-black-box use of a hash function modeled as a random oracle.
At a technical level, we revisit the framework for constructing classically verifiable quantum computation (Mahadev, FOCS ’18). We give a self-contained, modular proof of security for Mahadev’s protocol, which we believe is of independent interest. Our proof readily generalizes to a setting in which the verifier’s first message (which consists of many public keys) is compressed. Next, we formalize this notion of compressed public keys; we view the object as a generalization of constrained/programmable PRFs and instantiate it based on indistinguishability obfuscation.
Finally, we compile the above protocol into a fully succinct argument using a (sufficiently composable) succinct argument of knowledge for NP. Using our framework, we achieve several additional results, including
– Succinct arguments for QMA (given multiple copies of the witness),
– Succinct non-interactive arguments for BQP (or QMA) in the quantum random oracle model, and
– Succinct batch arguments for BQP (or QMA) assuming post-quantum LWE (without iO).
Locally Verifiable Signature and Key Aggregation
Aggregate signatures (Boneh, Gentry, Lynn, Shacham, Eu- rocrypt 2003) enable compressing a set of N signatures on N different messages into a short aggregate signature. This reduces the space com- plexity of storing the signatures from linear in N to a fixed constant (that depends only on the security parameter). However, verifying the aggregate signature requires access to all N messages, resulting in the complexity of verification being at least Ω(N).
In this work, we introduce the notion of locally verifiable aggregate signatures that enable efficient verification: given a short aggregate sig- nature σ (corresponding to a set M of N messages), the verifier can check whether a particular message m is in the set, in time independent of N. Verification does not require knowledge of the entire set M. We demon- strate many natural applications of locally verifiable aggregate signature schemes: in the context of certificate transparency logs; in blockchains; and for redacting signatures, even when all the original signatures are produced by a single user.
We provide two constructions of single-signer locally verifiable aggre- gate signatures, the first based on the RSA assumption and the second on the bilinear Diffie-Hellman inversion assumption, both in the random oracle model.
As an additional contribution, we introduce the notion of compressing cryptographic keys in identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes, show applications of this notion, and construct an IBE scheme where the secret keys for N identities can be compressed into a single aggregate key, which can then be used to decrypt ciphertexts sent to any of the N identities.
Witness Encryption and Null-IO from Evasive LWE
Witness encryption (WE) allows us to use an arbitrary NP statement $x$ as a public key to encrypt a message, and the witness $w$ serves as a decryption key. Security ensures that, when the statement $x$ is false, the encrypted message remains computationally hidden. WE appears to be significantly weaker than indistinguishability obfuscation (iO). Indeed, WE is closely related to a highly restricted form of iO that only guarantees security for null circuits (null iO). However, all current approaches towards constructing WE under nice assumptions go through iO. Such constructions are quite complex and are unlikely to lead to practically instantiable schemes.
In this work, we revisit a very simple WE and null iO candidate of Chen, Vaikuntanathan and Wee (CRYPTO 2018). We show how to prove its security under a nice and easy-to-state assumption that we refer to as {\em evasive LWE} following Wee (EUROCRYPT 2022). Roughly speaking, the evasive LWE assumption says the following: assume we have some joint distributions over matrices $\mathbf{P}$, $\mathbf{S}$ and auxiliary information $\aux$ such that
$$({\bS\bB + \bE},{\bS \bP + \bE'}, \aux) \approx_c ({\bU},{\bU'}, \aux),$$
for a uniformly random (and secret) matrix $\mathbf{B}$, where $\mathbf{U}, \mathbf{U}'$ are uniformly random matrices, and $\mathbf{E},\mathbf{E}'$ are chosen from the LWE error distribution with appropriate parameters. Then it must also be the case that:
$$({\bS\bB + \bE}, \bB^{-1}(\bP),\aux) \approx_c (\bU, \bB^{-1}(\bP),\aux).$$
Essentially the above says that given ${\bS\bB + \bE}$, getting the additional component $\bB^{-1}(\bP)$ is no more useful than just getting the product $({\bS\bB + \bE})\cdot \bB^{-1}(\bP) \approx \bS \bP + \bE'$.
A Note on Perfect Correctness by Derandomization
We show a general compiler that transforms a large class of erroneous cryptographic schemes (such as public-key encryption, indistinguishability obfuscation, and secure multiparty computation schemes) into perfectly correct ones. The transformation works for schemes that are correct on all inputs with probability noticeably larger than half , and are secure under parallel repetition. We assume the existence of one-way functions and of functions with deterministic (uniform) time complexity $$2^{O(n)}$$ 2 O ( n ) and non-deterministic circuit complexity $$2^{\Omega (n)}$$ 2 Ω ( n ) . Our transformation complements previous results that showed how public-key encryption and indistinguishability obfuscation that err on a noticeable fraction of inputs can be turned into ones that for all inputs are often correct, showing that they can be made perfectly correct. The technique relies on the idea of “reverse randomization” [Naor, Crypto 1989] and on Nisan–Wigderson style derandomization, previously used in cryptography to remove interaction from witness-indistinguishable proofs and commitment schemes [Barak, Ong and Vadhan, Crypto 2003].
Oblivious Transfer is in MiniQCrypt
MiniQCrypt is a world where quantum-secure one-way functions exist, and quantum communication is possible. We construct an oblivious transfer (OT) protocol in MiniQCrypt that achieves simulation-security against malicious quantum polynomial-time adversaries, building on the foundational work of Bennett, Brassard, Crepeau and Skubiszewska (CRYPTO 1991). Combining the OT protocol with prior works, we obtain secure two-party and multi-party computation protocols also in MiniQCrypt. This is in contrast to the classical world, where it is widely believed that OT does not exist in MiniCrypt.
Succinct LWE Sampling, Random Polynomials, and Obfuscation
We present a construction of indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) that relies on the learning with errors (LWE) assumption together with a new notion of succinctly sampling pseudo-random LWE samples. We then present a candidate LWE sampler whose security is related to the hardness of solving systems of polynomial equations. Our construction improves on the recent iO candidate of Wee and Wichs (Eurocrypt 2021) in two ways: first, we show that a much weaker and simpler notion of LWE sampling suffices for iO; and secondly, our candidate LWE sampler is secure based on a compactly specified and falsifiable assumption about random polynomials, with a simple error distribution that facilitates cryptanalysis.
The $t$-wise Independence of Substitution-Permutation Networks
Block ciphers such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (Rijndael) are used extensively in practice, yet our understanding of their security continues to be highly incomplete. This paper promotes and continues a research program aimed at {\em proving} the security of block ciphers against important and well-studied classes of attacks. In particular, we initiate the study of (almost) $t$-wise independence of concrete block-cipher construction paradigms such as substitution-permutation networks and key-alternating ciphers. Sufficiently strong (almost) pairwise independence already suffices to resist (truncated) differential attacks and linear cryptanalysis, and hence this is a relevant and meaningful target. Our results are two-fold.
Our first result concerns substitution-permutation networks (SPNs) that model ciphers such as AES. We prove the almost pairwise-independence of an SPN instantiated with concrete S-boxes together with an appropriate linear mixing layer, given sufficiently many rounds and independent sub-keys. Our proof relies on a {\em characterization} of S-box computation on input differences in terms of sampling output differences from certain subspaces, and a new randomness extraction lemma (which we prove with Fourier-analytic techniques) that establishes when such sampling yields uniformity. We use our techniques in particular to prove almost pairwise-independence for sufficiently many rounds of both the AES block cipher (which uses a variant of the patched inverse function $x \mapsto x^{-1}$ as the $S$-box) and the MiMC block cipher (which uses the cubing function $x \mapsto x^3$ as the $S$-box), assuming independent sub-keys.
Secondly, we show that instantiating a key-alternating cipher (which can be thought of as a degenerate case of SPNs) with most permutations gives us (almost) $t$-wise independence in $t + o(t)$ rounds. In order to do this, we use the probabilistic method to develop two new lemmas, an {\em independence-amplification lemma} and a {\em distance amplification lemma}, that allow us to reason about the evolution of key-alternating ciphers.
Somewhere Statistical Soundness, Post-Quantum Security, and SNARGs
The main conceptual contribution of this paper is a unification of two leading paradigms for constructing succinct argument systems, namely Kilian's protocol and the BMW (Biehl-Meyer-Wetzel) heuristic. We define the notion of a multi-extractable somewhere statistically binding (meSSB) hash family, an extension of the notion of somewhere statistically binding hash functions (Hubacek and Wichs, ITCS 2015), and construct it from LWE. We show that when instantiating Kilian's protocol with a meSSB hash family, the first two messages are simply an instantiation of the BMW heuristic. Therefore, if we also instantiate it with a PCP for which the BMW heuristic is sound, e.g., a computational non-signaling PCP, then the first two messages of the Kilian protocol is a sound instantiation of the BMW heuristic.
This leads us to two technical results. First, we show how to efficiently convert any succinct non-interactive argument (SNARG) for BatchNP into a SNARG for any language that has a computational non-signaling PCP. Put together with the recent and independent result of Choudhuri, Jain and Jin (Eprint 2021/808) which constructs a SNARG for BatchNP from LWE, we get a SNARG for any language that has a computational non-signaling PCP, including any language in P, but also any language in NTISP (non-deterministic bounded space), from LWE.
Second, we introduce the notion of a somewhere statistically sound (SSS) interactive argument, which is a hybrid between a statistically sound proof and a computationally sound proof (a.k.a. an argument), and
* prove that Kilian's protocol, instantiated as above, is an SSS argument;
* show that the soundness of SSS arguments can be proved in a straight-line manner, implying that they are also post-quantum sound if the underlying assumption is post-quantum secure; and
* conjecture that constant-round SSS arguments can be soundly converted into non-interactive arguments via the Fiat-Shamir transformation.
Extracting Randomness from Extractor-Dependent Sources
We revisit the well-studied problem of extracting nearly uniform randomness from an arbitrary source of sufficient min-entropy. Strong seeded extractors solve this problem by relying on a public random seed, which is unknown to the source. Here, we consider a setting where the seed is reused over time and the source may depend on prior calls to the extractor with the same seed. Can we still extract nearly uniform randomness?
In more detail, we assume the seed is chosen randomly, but the source can make arbitrary oracle queries to the extractor with the given seed before outputting a sample. We require that the sample has entropy and differs from any of the previously queried values. The extracted output should look uniform even to a distinguisher that gets the seed. We consider two variants of the problem, depending on whether the source only outputs the sample, or whether it can also output some correlated public auxiliary information that preserves the sample's entropy. Our results are:
* Without Auxiliary Information: We show that every pseudo-random function (PRF) with a sufficiently high security level is a good extractor in this setting, even if the distinguisher is computationally unbounded. We further show that the source necessarily needs to be computationally bounded and that such extractors imply one-way functions.
* With Auxiliary Information: We construct secure extractors in this setting, as long as both the source and the distinguisher are computationally bounded. We give several constructions based on different intermediate primitives, yielding instantiations based on the DDH, DLIN, LWE or DCR assumptions. On the negative side, we show that one cannot prove security against computationally unbounded distinguishers in this setting under any standard assumption via a black-box reduction. Furthermore, even when restricting to computationally bounded distinguishers, we show that there exist PRFs that are insecure as extractors in this setting and that a large class of constructions cannot be proven secure via a black-box reduction from standard assumptions.
Statistical ZAPR Arguments from Bilinear Maps
Dwork and Naor (FOCS '00) defined ZAPs as 2-message witness-indistinguishable proofs that are public-coin. We relax this to \emph{ZAPs with private Randomness} (ZAPRs), where the verifier can use private coins to sample the first message (independently of the statement being proved), but the proof must remain publicly verifiable given only the protocol transcript. In particular, ZAPRs are \emph{reusable}, meaning that the first message can be reused for multiple proofs without compromising security.
Known constructions of ZAPs from trapdoor permutations or bilinear maps are only computationally WI (and statistically sound). Two recent results of Badrinarayanan-Fernando-Jain-Khurana-Sahai and Goyal-Jain-Jin-Malavolta [EUROCRYPT '20] construct the first \emph{statistical ZAP arguments}, which are statistically WI (and computationally sound), from the quasi-polynomial LWE assumption. Here, we construct \emph{statistical ZAPR arguments} from the quasi-polynomial decision-linear (DLIN) assumption on groups with a bilinear map. Our construction relies on a combination of several tools including Groth-Ostrovsky-Sahai NIZK and NIWI [EUROCRYPT '06, CRYPTO '06, JACM '12], ``sometimes-binding statistically hiding commitments'' [Kalai-Khurana-Sahai, EUROCRYPT '18] and the ``MPC-in-the-head'' technique [Ishai-Kushilevitz-Ostrovsky-Sahai, STOC '07].
Fiat-Shamir for Repeated Squaring with Applications to PPAD-Hardness and VDFs
The Fiat-Shamir transform is a methodology for compiling a (public-coin) interactive proof system for a language $L$ into a {\em non-interactive} argument system for $L$. Proving security of the Fiat-Shamir transform in the standard model, especially in the context of \emph{succinct} arguments, is largely an unsolved problem. The work of Canetti et al. (STOC 2019) proved the security of the Fiat-Shamir transform applied to the Goldwasser-Kalai-Rothblum (STOC 2008) succinct interactive proof system under a very strong ``optimal learning with errors'' assumption. Achieving a similar result under standard assumptions remains an important open question.
In this work, we consider the problem of compiling a different succinct interactive proof system: Pietrzak's proof system (ITCS 2019) for the iterated squaring problem. We construct a hash function family (with evaluation time roughly $2^{\lambda^{\epsilon}}$) that guarantees the soundness of Fiat-Shamir for this protocol assuming the sub-exponential ($2^{-n^{1-\epsilon}}$)-hardness of the $n$-dimensional learning with errors problem. (The latter follows from the worst-case $2^{n^{1-\epsilon}}$ hardness of lattice problems.) More generally, we extend the ``bad-challenge function'' methodology of Canetti et al. for proving the soundness of Fiat-Shamir to a class of protocols whose bad-challenge functions are {\em not} efficiently computable.
As a corollary (following Choudhuri et al., ePrint 2019 and Ephraim et al., EUROCRYPT 2020), we construct hard-on-average problems in the complexity class $\mathbf{CLS}\subset \mathbf{PPAD}$ under the $2^{\secp^\epsilon}$-hardness of the repeated squaring problem and the $2^{-n^{1-\epsilon}}$-hardness of the learning with errors problem. Under the additional assumption that the repeated squaring problem is ``inherently sequential'', we also obtain a Verifiable Delay Function (Boneh et al., EUROCRYPT 2018) in the standard model. Finally, we give additional PPAD-hardness and VDF instantiations demonstrating a broader tradeoff between the strength of the repeated squaring assumption and the strength of the lattice assumption.
Worst-Case Hardness for LPN and Cryptographic Hashing via Code Smoothing
We present a worst case decoding problem whose hardness reduces to that of solving the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem, in some parameter regime. Prior to this work, no worst case hardness result was known for LPN (as opposed to syntactically similar problems such as Learning with Errors). The caveat is that this worst case problem is only mildly hard and in particular admits a quasi-polynomial time algorithm, whereas the LPN variant used in the reduction requires extremely high noise rate of
. Thus we can only show that “very hard” LPN is harder than some “very mildly hard” worst case problem. We note that LPN with noise
already implies symmetric cryptography.Specifically, we consider the (n, m, w)-nearest codeword problem ((n, m, w)-NCP) which takes as input a generating matrix for a binary linear code in m dimensions and rank n, and a target vector which is very close to the code (Hamming distance at most w), and asks to find the codeword nearest to the target vector. We show that for balanced (unbiased) codes and for relative error
$$w/m \approx {\log ^2 n}/{n}$$
, (n, m, w)-NCP can be solved given oracle access to an LPN distinguisher with noise ratio
.Our proof relies on a smoothing lemma for codes which we show to have further implications: We show that (n, m, w)-NCP with the aforementioned parameters lies in the complexity class
$$\mathrm {{Search}\hbox {-}\mathcal {BPP}}^\mathcal {SZK}$$
(i.e. reducible to a problem that has a statistical zero knowledge protocol) implying that it is unlikely to be
$$\mathcal {NP}$$
-hard. We then show that the hardness of LPN with very low noise rate
$$\log ^2(n)/n$$
implies the existence of collision resistant hash functions (our aforementioned result implies that in this parameter regime LPN is also in
$$\mathcal {BPP}^\mathcal {SZK}$$
Reusable Non-Interactive Secure Computation
We consider the problem of Non-Interactive Two-Party Secure Computation (NISC), where Rachel wishes to publish an encryption of her input x, in such a way that any other party, who holds an input y, can send her a single message which conveys to her the value f(x, y), and nothing more. We demand security against malicious parties. While such protocols are easy to construct using garbled circuits and general non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs, this approach inherently makes a non-black-box use of the underlying cryptographic primitives and is infeasible in practice.Ishai et al. (Eurocrypt 2011) showed how to construct NISC protocols that only use parallel calls to an ideal oblivious transfer (OT) oracle, and additionally make only a black-box use of any pseudorandom generator. Combined with the efficient 2-message OT protocol of Peikert et al. (Crypto 2008), this leads to a practical approach to NISC that has been implemented in subsequent works. However, a major limitation of all known OT-based NISC protocols is that they are subject to selective failure attacks that allows a malicious sender to entirely compromise the security of the protocol when the receiver’s first message is reused.Motivated by the failure of the OT-based approach, we consider the problem of basing reusable NISC on parallel invocations of a standard arithmetic generalization of OT known as oblivious linear-function evaluation (OLE). We obtain the following results:We construct an information-theoretically secure reusable NISC protocol for arithmetic branching programs and general zero-knowledge functionalities in the OLE-hybrid model. Our zero-knowledge protocol only makes an absolute constant number of OLE calls per gate in an arithmetic circuit whose satisfiability is being proved. We also get reusable NISC in the OLE-hybrid model for general Boolean circuits using any one-way function.We complement this by a negative result, showing that reusable NISC is impossible to achieve in the OT-hybrid model. This provides a formal justification for the need to replace OT by OLE.We build a universally composable 2-message reusable OLE protocol in the CRS model that can be based on the security of Paillier encryption and requires only a constant number of modular exponentiations. This provides the first arithmetic analogue of the 2-message OT protocols of Peikert et al. (Crypto 2008).By combining our NISC protocol in the OLE-hybrid model and the 2-message OLE protocol, we get protocols with new attractive asymptotic and concrete efficiency features. In particular, we get the first (designated-verifier) NIZK protocols for NP where following a statement-independent preprocessing, both proving and verifying are entirely “non-cryptographic” and involve only a constant computational overhead. Furthermore, we get the first statistical designated-verifier NIZK argument for NP under an assumption related to factoring.
Lattice Trapdoors and IBE from Middle-Product LWE
Middle-product learning with errors (MP-LWE) was recently introduced by Rosca, Sakzad, Steinfeld and Stehlé (CRYPTO 2017) as a way to combine the efficiency of Ring-LWE with the more robust security guarantees of plain LWE. While Ring-LWE is at the heart of efficient lattice-based cryptosystems, it involves the choice of an underlying ring which is essentially arbitrary. In other words, the effect of this choice on the security of Ring-LWE is poorly understood. On the other hand, Rosca et al. showed that a new LWE variant, called MP-LWE, is as secure as Polynomial-LWE (another variant of Ring-LWE) over any of a broad class of number fields. They also demonstrated the usefulness of MP-LWE by constructing an MP-LWE based public-key encryption scheme whose efficiency is comparable to Ring-LWE based public-key encryption. In this work, we take this line of research further by showing how to construct Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) schemes that are secure under a variant of the MP-LWE assumption. Our IBE schemes match the efficiency of Ring-LWE based IBE, including a scheme in the random oracle model with keys and ciphertexts of size $$\tilde{O}(n)$$ (for n-bit identities).We construct our IBE scheme following the lattice trapdoors paradigm of [Gentry, Peikert, and Vaikuntanathan, STOC’08]; our main technical contributions are introducing a new leftover hash lemma and instantiating a new variant of lattice trapdoors compatible with MP-LWE.This work demonstrates that the efficiency/security tradeoff gains of MP-LWE can be extended beyond public-key encryption to more complex lattice-based primitives.
Matrix PRFs: Constructions, Attacks, and Applications to Obfuscation
We initiate a systematic study of pseudorandom functions (PRFs) that are computable by simple matrix branching programs; we refer to these objects as “matrix PRFs”. Matrix PRFs are attractive due to their simplicity, strong connections to complexity theory and group theory, and recent applications in program obfuscation.Our main results are:We present constructions of matrix PRFs based on the conjectured hardness of computational problems pertaining to matrix products.We show that any matrix PRF that is computable by a read-c, width w branching program can be broken in time poly$$(w^c)$$; this means that any matrix PRF based on constant-width matrices must read each input bit $$\omega (\log (\lambda ))$$ times. Along the way, we simplify the “tensor switching lemmas” introduced in previous IO attacks.We show that a subclass of the candidate local-PRG proposed by Barak et al. [Eurocrypt 2018] can be broken using simple matrix algebra.We show that augmenting the CVW18 IO candidate with a matrix PRF provably immunizes the candidate against all known algebraic and statistical zeroizing attacks, as captured by a new and simple adversarial model.
Optimal Bounded-Collusion Secure Functional Encryption
We construct private-key and public-key functional encryption schemes in the bounded-key setting; that is, secure against adversaries that obtain an a-priori bounded number of functional keys (also known as the collusion bound).An important metric considered in the literature on bounded-key functional encryption schemes is the dependence of the running time of the encryption algorithm on the collusion bound
$$Q=Q(\lambda )$$
$$\lambda $$
is the security parameter). It is known that bounded-key functional encryption schemes with encryption complexity growing with
$$Q^{1-\varepsilon }$$
, for any constant
$$\varepsilon > 0$$
, implies indistinguishability obfuscation. On the other hand, in the public-key setting, it was previously unknown whether we could achieve encryption complexity growing linear with Q, also known as optimal bounded-key FE, based on well-studied assumptions.In this work, we give the first construction of an optimal bounded-key public-key functional encryption scheme under the minimal assumption of the existence of any public-key encryption scheme. Moreover, our scheme supports the class of all polynomial-size circuits.Our techniques also extend to the private-key setting. We achieve a construction of an optimal bounded-key functional encryption in the private-key setting based on the minimal assumption of one-way functions, instead of learning with errors as achieved in prior works.
GGH15 Beyond Permutation Branching Programs: Proofs, Attacks, and Candidates
We carry out a systematic study of the GGH15 graded encoding scheme used with general branching programs. This is motivated by the fact that general branching programs are more efficient than permutation branching programs and also substantially more expressive in the read-once setting. Our main results are as follows:Proofs. We present new constructions of private constrained PRFs and lockable obfuscation, for constraints (resp. functions to be obfuscated) that are computable by general branching programs. Our constructions are secure under LWE with subexponential approximation factors. Previous constructions of this kind crucially rely on the permutation structure of the underlying branching programs. Using general branching programs allows us to obtain more efficient constructions for certain classes of constraints (resp. functions), while posing new challenges in the proof, which we overcome using new proof techniques.Attacks. We extend the previous attacks on indistinguishability obfuscation (iO) candidates that use GGH15 encodings. The new attack simply uses the rank of a matrix as the distinguisher, so we call it a “rank attack”. The rank attack breaks, among others, the iO candidate for general read-once branching programs by Halevi, Halevi, Shoup and Stephens-Davidowitz (CCS 2017).Candidate Witness Encryption and iO. Drawing upon insights from our proofs and attacks, we present simple candidates for witness encryption and iO that resist the existing attacks, using GGH15 encodings. Our candidate for witness encryption crucially exploits the fact that formulas in conjunctive normal form (CNFs) can be represented by general, read-once branching programs.
Traitor-Tracing from LWE Made Simple and Attribute-Based
A traitor tracing scheme is a public key encryption scheme for which there are many secret decryption keys. Any of these keys can decrypt a ciphertext; moreover, even if a coalition of users collude, put together their decryption keys and attempt to create a new decryption key, there is an efficient algorithm to trace the new key to at least one the colluders.Recently, Goyal, Koppula and Waters (GKW, STOC 18) provided the first traitor tracing scheme from LWE with ciphertext and secret key sizes that grow polynomially in $$\log n$$, where n is the number of users. The main technical building block in their construction is a strengthening of (bounded collusion secure) secret-key functional encryption which they refer to as mixed functional encryption (FE).In this work, we improve upon and extend the GKW traitor tracing scheme:We provide simpler constructions of mixed FE schemes based on the LWE assumption. Our constructions improve upon the GKW construction in terms of expressiveness, modularity, and security.We provide a construction of attribute-based traitor tracing for all circuits based on the LWE assumption.
Round-Optimal Password-Based Authenticated Key Exchange
We show a general framework for constructing password-based authenticated key-exchange protocols with optimal round complexity—one message per party, sent simultaneously—in the standard model, assuming the existence of a common reference string. When our framework is instantiated using bilinear-map-based cryptosystems, the resulting protocol is also (reasonably) efficient. Somewhat surprisingly, our framework can be adapted to give protocols in the standard model that are universally composable while still using only one (simultaneous) round.
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